ROOT 3.02/06 and GiNaC 1.0.3

Hans Peter Würmli wurmli at
Fri Jan 4 08:25:57 CET 2002

I am an unexperienced user of root, cint or ginac, which latest available versions I installed on my Linux 2.4.2 (ROOT 3.02/06 and GiNaC 1.0.3).

I tried to interprete the simple GiNaC example (from the Tutorial) with cint and root/cint, but the interpreter complains that library_init() is declared, but not defined. It is defined in utils.cpp. I tried to "gSystem->Load("");" in root, but if I' lucky, the new cint error message in root is "~library_init() declared, but not defined" (~library_init() does in fact no seem to be defined).

Could anybody give me a hint, what I should do?


Hans Peter

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