[GiNaC-devel] GiNaC release 1.4.0

Jens Vollinga vollinga at physik.uni-wuppertal.de
Tue Sep 4 20:44:35 CEST 2007


Richard B. Kreckel schrieb:
> While polishing the Debian packaging I noticed that not all CVS files in 
> that directory made it into the released package.

oh, now I checked and yes, the whole debian dir is missing! I've no 
explanation for that at the moment. make distcheck doesn't cover that, 
obviously. I will repair that. A new release shouldn't be nescessary, I 
think. I will just re-package the tar file.

> A minor nitpick: is it useful to provide texinfo documentation for the 
> examples? It's not clear where to put it in a system-wide info hierarchy 

No, not useful.

> and if examples are ever installed into /usr/share/doc/ginac/examples/, 
> then the info file should go there too. But info won't find there. So, a 
> plain .txt file would suffice, IMHO. (I stumbled across this because I 
> found ginac-examples.info in my .deb archives.)

Good point. I will change that in CVS for the next release.

> PS: Anyway, have you remembered to open the champagne?

Yes, of course. But maybe should remove that step from the release 
procedure. That stupid bottle just sits there next to all the other 
bottles and does nothing! What's the point?!?


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