[GiNaC-devel] Symbolic Integration

Chris.Dams at mi.infn.it Chris.Dams at mi.infn.it
Wed May 16 17:50:59 CEST 2007

Beste Remco,

> My question is, what are your thoughts on how to implement integration in
> a
> nice fashion? I tought about implementing some kind of antiderivative
> operator wich can be used in expressions and gives the indefinite
> integral.
> The reason I preffer operators to member function is that it allows
> unsolvable integrals to remain in the equation and still be numerically
> evaluable. In this fashion I would like to create a differential operator
> so
> ODE's and PDE's can be expressed in Ginac and numerically solved.

There is already a class "integral" in GiNaC, as you may know. This class
contains a left and a right boundary, so it is not immediately suitable
for representing an indefinite integral, but I think it could be made
suitable. Instead of holding a left and a right boundary, it could hold a
more general "integration_region" object that should be in a certain state
in the case of an indefinite integral or in another state representing an
interval. The advantage is that this way it is not necessary to introduce
a new class for a different kind of integral.

Veel succes!

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