[GiNaC-list] 1by1 matrix to scalar

Richard B. Kreckel kreckel at ginac.de
Wed Jun 23 21:40:19 CEST 2010


Felipe Bordeu wrote:
> I have a little problem, I'm dealing functions made of matrix products.
> My question is, how can "force"  ginac to convert automatically all the 
> 1by1 matrices to scalars?.
> or do I have to do it manually??
> Here is a simple example.
> void main2(){
>   ex m1=symbolic_matrix(1, 3, "x");
>   ex m2=symbolic_matrix(3, 1, "y");
>   cout <<  m1 << std::endl;
>   cout <<  m2 << std::endl;
>   ex m3 = (m1*m2).evalm();
>   cout << m3 << std::endl;
>   cout << ex_to<matrix>(m3)(0,0)<< std::endl;;
>   ex m4 = m3-ex_to<matrix>(m3)(0,0);
>   cout << m4 << std::endl;
> };
> the output :
> [[x0,x1,x2]]
> [[y0],[y1],[y2]]
> [[y1*x1+y2*x2+y0*x0]]
> y1*x1+y2*x2+y0*x0
> -y1*x1+[[y1*x1+y2*x2+y0*x0]]-y2*x2-y0*x0
> the last line "should" be zero ?--

You'll have to do it "manually". Just write a function that replaces all 
1x1 matrices with their 0,0 elements.

This is of course because there is nothing special about vectors. They 
are just 1xn or nx1 matrices.

Richard B. Kreckel

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