[GiNaC-list] Installation ginac(1.4) + cln(1.1.13) on powermac

Hans-Jürgen Greif hans-juergen.greif at freenet.de
Sun Sep 9 13:00:47 CEST 2007

Dear Sheplyakov Alexei,

here you have some config.log  without/with settings of



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This time I work on another G4 macosx 10.4.10  system. You are right  
on this system I haven't got error messages from ginac configure.
But every-time time the same output:

checking for CLN... configure: error: Package requirements (cln >=  
1.1.6) were not met.


  Hans-J?rgen Greif

Am 09.09.2007 um 11:49 schrieb Sheplyakov Alexei:

> Hi!
> On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 11:03:43AM +0200, Hans-J?rgen Greif wrote:
>> Your ansatz with CPPFLAGS...  produces many errors.
> Interesting. Setting CPPFLAGS to /usr/local/include should not have
> done any harm (I doubt it would help, though).
>> These errors don't appear without these setting.
> What kind of errors? Are those messages top secret?
> [libtool boilerplate]
>> Any hints available?
> It would be nice to see the actual error message from the  
> config.log file.
> Otherwise it is very difficult to give any useful advice. Is your  
> config.log
> top secret too?
> Best regards,
>  Alexei
> -- 
> All science is either physics or stamp collecting.
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