[GiNaC-list] collecting on similar series expansion

Charlls Quarra charlls_quarra at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Jan 30 20:43:33 CET 2007

--- Charlls Quarra <charlls_quarra at yahoo.com.ar>
> now seeing that example (and trying it out) i
> realize
> what was my error; i was calling jacobian.expand()
> and
> assumed that was enough to change the jacobian
> expression, but when i called collect later on the
> (still unexpanded) jacobian ex it wasn't doing the
> job
> at all.

The other problem i had with this program is that
there wasnt a builtin way to get coefficients from
multivariate polynomials, and i thought that i could
do that in a simple manner with collect and subs, but
i got this map_function which does what i want (run
the program):

the degree_list function is really meant to be a
general all-in-once degree/coeff. i think that a
function like this could be more optimal than to check
full ranges between ldegree to degree, just a list
with the available degrees.. just a thought

#include <iostream>
     #include <ginac/ginac.h>
     using namespace std;
     using namespace GiNaC;

lst degree_list(const ex& poly_ex ,const ex& var)
	lst result = lst();
	ex cf;
	for (int i=poly_ex.ldegree( var ) ; i <=
poly_ex.degree( var ) ; i++)
		cf = poly_ex.coeff( var , i );
		if (cf != 0)
			result.append( lst( i , cf ) );
			//cout << " this says that " << poly_ex << " coeff
for degree "<< i <<" is " << cf << endl;
	return result;

struct match_terms : public map_function
	lst l_ex;
	exmap my_factors;
	lst exp_stack;
	match_terms(lst& _l) : l_ex(_l) , my_factors() ,

	void clear_factors()
	ex operator()(const ex& e)
		//cout << " Term is " << e << endl;
		lst temp_subs;
		ex _exp_e = e.expand().normal().expand();
		//cout << " expanding term gives us " << _exp_e <<
		//cout << " where " << temp_subs << endl;
		lst ocurrences;
		//map< ex , ex > factors;
		coeff_multi_helper( _exp_e , 0 );
		return e;
	void dump_factors()
		exmap::iterator it;
		cout << "actual coefficient decomposition: " <<
		for (it = my_factors.begin() ; it !=
my_factors.end() ; it++)
			cout << " coefficients of term : " << it->first <<
			cout << " ::-->> " << it->second << endl;
		cout << "no other factors " << endl;
	void coeff_multi_helper( const ex& e , int var )
		lst cf;
		ex c_;
		if (var == l_ex.nops() ) //last frame
			//cf = degree_list( e , l_ex.op( var ) );
			//cout << "CMH: var "<< var << "="<< l_ex.op( var )
<< " expression: " << e << endl;
			//cout << "CMH: obtained degree coeffs " << cf <<
			cout << "entering last frame " << endl;
			exmap::iterator it;
			ex prev_coeff;
			ex key = 1;
			for (int j=0; j< exp_stack.nops() ; j++)
				key *= pow( l_ex.op( j ) , exp_stack.op( j ) );
			cout << " before factor find key " << key << endl;
			it = my_factors.find( key );
			if (it == my_factors.end())
				my_factors[ key ] = collect_common_factors( e );
				cout << " coeff of " << key << " <---- " <<
my_factors[ key ] << endl;
				cout << "factor dump again: " << endl;
			} else
				cout << "what the hell we do in here? KEY: " <<
key << " VALUE: "<< it->second << endl;
				cout << " wait.. key is " << key << " while " <<
it->first << " but " << endl;
				if (key == it->first)
					cout << "considered equal! " << endl;
					cout << " they look diferent " << endl;
				prev_coeff = it->second;
				my_factors[ key ] = collect_common_factors( e +
prev_coeff );
				cout << " coeff of " << key << " <---- " <<
my_factors[ key ] << endl;
			cf = degree_list( e , l_ex.op( var ) );
			cout << "CMH: var "<< var << "="<< l_ex.op( var )
<< " expression: " << e << endl;
			cout << "CMH: obtained degree coeffs " << cf <<
			for (int i=0; i < cf.nops() ; i++ )
				c_ = cf.op( i );
				exp_stack.append( c_.op(0) ); //push stack
				coeff_multi_helper( c_.op(1) , var + 1 );
				exp_stack.remove_last(); //pop stack
     int main()
	cout << latex;
         symbol x("x"), y("y");
         symbol q("q") , p("p");

	cout << "now we should be using map " << endl;
	//rord = rord.map( post_tr );
	lst l_ex;
	l_ex = lst( x , y , p );
	//l_ex = lst( F(q) , F(q).diff(q) , F(q).diff(q,2) ,
F(q).diff(q,3) , F(q).diff(q,4) );
	match_terms mtch( l_ex );
	ex rord = pow( x - y , 3 ) + pow( y - p , 3 ) +
3*p*pow( y , 2 );
	rord = mtch( rord.expand() );



Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
¡Probalo ya! 

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