Problems with order parameter of 'series' method

Holger Eberle eberle at
Tue Feb 3 14:52:04 CET 2004

when applying the 'series' method to an expression which only constists of
adds, muls and pows, the final order of the expansion does not seem to
depend pretictably on the parameter 'order' of 'series', e.g.

symbol eps("eps");
ex expr = (pow(eps, 8)*pow(pow(eps,3)+ pow(eps + pow(eps,3), 2),-2))
                    .series(eps==0, 6);
cout << "expr: " << expr << endl;


"expr: Order(eps^2)"

and not as expected (by me)

"expr: 1*eps^4+(-2)*eps^5+Order(eps^6)"

The first order parameter the expansion works correctly with again is 9,
then I get an expansion up to Order(eps^13)...
Does anyone know how to remedy that or at least how to handle series of
this quite general type of expressions predictably?

Holger Eberle

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