[GiNaC-devel] Subclassing symbol

Vladimir V. Kisil kisilv at maths.leeds.ac.uk
Wed May 11 22:11:23 CEST 2016

>>>>> On Wed, 11 May 2016 21:56:50 +0200, Jan Rheinländer <jrheinlaender at gmx.de> said:

    JR> Hi, the code is practically the same as in GiNaC symbol.h and
    JR> symbol.cpp (for symbol subclasses realsymbol / possymbol).  I
    JR> did try using GINAC_DECLARE_REGISTERED_CLASS(ncsymbol, symbol)
    JR> etc. as well but it makes no difference.

    I think  you have to send the full example written in accordance to
  GiNaC tutorial which crashes, then other people may look into it.
Vladimir V. Kisil                 http://www.maths.leeds.ac.uk/~kisilv/
  Book:     Geometry of Mobius Transformations     http://goo.gl/EaG2Vu
  Software: Geometry of cycles          http://moebinv.sourceforge.net/

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