[GiNaC-devel] Release 1.6.6, etc...

Richard B. Kreckel kreckel at in.terlu.de
Thu Dec 31 16:33:45 CET 2015


GiNaC release 1.6.6 is out and available. These are the changes:
* Fix elusive bug in add::eval().
* Several minor performance enhancements.

So far for the master branch...

In an attempt to curb down the number of warnings when GiNaC is compiled
with a C++11 compiler, I created the c++11 branch. It turns out that the
new language revision offers solutions for some of the problems for
which awkward workarounds had to be introduced previously. As a result,
the code on the c++11 branch has started to diverge from that on the
master branch. It is not compatible to C++89 / C++03.

I intend to merge the c++11 branch back to the master branch somewhen in
2016 and release that as a new major version. (BTW, GCC 6 is supposed to
be released in 2016 and will use C++14 by default.) Until then, it is
probably pointless to commit anything than a real bugfix to the master
branch (which might then be released as version 1.6.7). Any other
patches are very welcome, but they should be based on the c++11 branch,

Nuff said. Back to hacking...

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