[GiNaC-devel] removing the evil

Jens Vollinga jensv at nikhef.nl
Tue Jul 15 13:16:00 CEST 2008

Dear Alexei,

Alexei Sheplyakov schrieb:
> What about associative arrays? I.e.

that's a very good idea. But I would wrap them in some kind of GiNaC 
class then like lst does with STL::list.

> exmap eqns;
> eqns[a*x + b*y] = 5;
> eqns[c*x + d*y] = 7;
> exvector vars = boost::list_of(x)(y);
> exmap result = solve(eqns, vars);

But from your example (using exvector and the boost lib) I get the 
impression you don't like that kind of wrapping ... ?
Anyway, it looks like a good improvement, at least as long as we don't 
care about inequalities ;-).


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