[GiNaC-devel] New bug in symmetrization?

Alexei Sheplyakov varg at theor.jinr.ru
Tue Dec 12 14:15:31 CET 2006

Dear Jens,

> 'make check' gives me a failure for the paranoia exam number 17. That 
> exam is concerned with the symmetrization of indices.
> Can anybody reproduce that finding?

I can't reproduce this.

> It didn't fail before I did an cvs update (my local version was rather 
> old), 

This check is rather new (to be more specific, it was added on Oct 20).
Could you check if it really existed in your old version?

> so either the bug must be really new or it is one of the bugs that 
> appear only when the ordering of expressions is disadvantageous due to 
> the memory layout.

I admit this might be some new bug, but... Could you please re-check 
if your local copy of the `indexed.cpp' file is really up-to-date?

Best regards,

All science is either physics or stamp collecting.

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