[GiNaC-devel] Re: patch

Chris Dams chrisd at sci.kun.nl
Mon Aug 2 19:15:03 CEST 2004

Dear Christian,

On Mon, 2 Aug 2004, Christian Bauer wrote:

> > 	(ncmul(gamma~mu,gamma~nu))^dagger
> > 		= ncmul((gamma~nu)^dagger,(gamma~mu)^dagger).
> Shouldn't this work in the same way for matrix, color, and possibly for
> user-defined classes too?

That is a good question. At the moment complex conjugation of matrices
complex conjugates their entries but does not do transposition. When I
wrote complex conjugation I only took into account my own experience with
complex conjugation of strings of Dirac matrices and this told me that
doing hermitian conjugation on them would be useful. However, I almost (?)
never use matrices in GiNaC. Same for the color algebra. If you think that
hermitian conjugation is the most usefull way of complex conjugating them,
I could write a patch to do it. Personally I do not care very much because
I hardly use GiNaCs matrices and color objects.


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