Note on pseries::power_const() method.

Pearu Peterson pearu at
Tue Nov 27 17:55:52 CET 2001

Hi again,

pseries::power_const() has second argument
	int deg
that allows negative values of deg. If one calls this method with negative
deg then the line
will cause MemoryError as (unsigned)deg gets really big.

My questions are:
1) Is there any sense using negative deg? If yes, then the above indicates 
a bug. If no, then an exception should be thrown.
2) In case negative deg is valid, then is there a reason why
power_const() method needs this argument (and methods mul_const(),etc
don't)? In the interface to python, I have used the following rule to
find the default value for deg:
If p==pseries(...) and n is integer, then deg in p.power_const(n,deg) is
found as follows
   ldeg = abs(n * p.ldegree(p.get_var()))
   deg = abs(n *
   deg = max(ldeg,deg) + 2
With this rule, I have found that equation
	(p^n)^m == p^(n*m)      for all integers m,n (also negative).
holds (and therefore seems sensible to me).

Do you see any faults in this rule?


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