
Richard B. Kreckel kreckel at thep.physik.uni-mainz.de
Sun Jul 8 17:04:22 CEST 2001

Hi there,

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Wolfgang Abele wrote:
> I've played around with NTL a bit, and once you've got the hang of using 
> those numerous conversions, I find it quite easy to work with. When it comes 
> to factoring polynomials over Z[x] or Zp[x], NTL is the best tool you can 
> get. So you could do a lot worse than integrate NTL in GiNaC. I don't know, 
> though, how this integration should be done technically since NTL uses its 
> own number classes that may confict with CLN's.

That should not be a real problem.  The newest version of NTL is fully
powered by GMP, so the underlying representation is the same.  Also,
Victor is wise enough to target for ANSI C++ and he even has wrapped all
his bases into a namespace.  Care has to be taken for a couple of
exceptions like CLN's immediate data types and so on but if serious
interest arises I could provide reasonable adaptor stuff.

> Also, NTL doesn't support multivariate polynomials, calculations in Q, and 
> algebraic extensions of Q.

Q is a no-brainer once the lifting is in place.  It is the latter which we
know nothing about over here.  Are algebraic extensions really difficult?  
I remember Bernard Parisse once claimed they are not.  Bernard?

Richard Kreckel
<Richard.Kreckel at Uni-Mainz.DE>

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