collect() eats fractions

Pearu Peterson pearu at
Sat Apr 14 13:15:03 CEST 2001

Sorry to bother you again but my previous fix didn't work.
Below is given a working version. Any ideas how to optimize it?

Btw, I have noticed that you use frequently

   for (int n=this->ldegree(s); n<=this->degree(s); n++)

instead of more efficient

   for (int n=this->ldegree(s), m=this->degree(s); n<=m; ++n)

that saves repeated calling of the degree() method.

On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Pearu Peterson wrote:

> As a fix, the collect function should be

  ex basic::collect(const ex & s) const
	ex x;
	for (int n=this->ldegree(s); n<=this->degree(s); n++)
	  x += this->coeff(s,n)*power(s,n);

	x += (*this - x).expand();
	return x;


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