1 bug report & poly. arithmetic with GiNaC

Parisse Bernard parisse at mozart.ujf-grenoble.fr
Mon Jul 31 15:26:49 CEST 2000

"Richard B. Kreckel" a écrit :
> Dear Bernard,
> Thank you for your bugreport and the rest.  I tried to download
> <http://perso.wanadoo.fr/bernard.parisse/ginac.tgz>.  But it fails, I get
> three bytes each time.  Manually, this is what happens:
> zino:~$ telnet perso.wanadoo.fr 80
> Trying
> Connected to perso.wanadoo.fr.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> GET /bernard.parisse/ginac.tgz

Sorry, it seems my personnal internet provider has some problems.
I have uploaded ginac.tgz to the following ftp server
(ftp seems much more reliable than netscape download)


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