""" Yet Another Python Templating Utility, Version 1.2, by Alex Martelli. Distributed under PSF license (http://docs.python.org/license.html). """ import re import sys # utility stuff to avoid tests in the mainline code class _nevermatch: "Polymorphic with a regex that never matches" def match(self, line): return None _never = _nevermatch() # one reusable instance of it suffices def identity(string, why): "A do-nothing-special-to-the-input, just-return-it function" return string def nohandle(string): "A do-nothing handler that just re-raises the exception" raise _default_rex = re.compile('@([^@]+)@') _default_rbe = re.compile('\+\+\+') _default_ren = re.compile('---') _default_rco = re.compile('===') # and now the real thing class copier: "Smart-copier (YAPTU) class" def copyblock(self, i=0, last=None): "Main copy method: process lines [i,last) of block" def repl(match, self=self): "return the eval of a found expression, for replacement" # uncomment for debug: # print('!!! replacing',match.group(1)) expr = self.preproc(match.group(1), 'eval') try: return str(eval(expr, self.globals, self.locals)) except: return str(self.handle(expr)) block = self.locals['_bl'] if last is None: last = len(block) while i Executing: {"+stat+"}") exec(stat, self.globals, self.locals) i=j+1 else: # normal line, just copy with substitution self.ouf.write(self.regex.sub(repl,line)) i=i+1 def __init__(self, dict={}, regex=_default_rex, restat=_default_rbe, restend=_default_ren, recont=_default_rco, preproc=identity, handle=nohandle, ouf=sys.stdout): "Initialize self's attributes" self.regex = regex self.globals = dict self.locals = { '_cb':self.copyblock } self.restat = restat self.restend = restend self.recont = recont self.preproc = preproc self.handle = handle self.ouf = ouf def copy(self, inf=sys.stdin, block=None): "Entry point: copy-with-processing a file, or a block of lines" if block is None: block = inf.readlines() self.locals['_bl'] = block self.copyblock()