#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # TeX Live 2012 seems to dislike files produces by doxygen (1.8.x.y) # In particular, makeindex(1) program creates invalid index entries like # \hyperpage{NNN_} # (note the trailing underscore in the page number). This breaks automatic # builds and is very annoying. Hence this script. It replaces (broken) # \hyperpage{NNN_} with \hyperpage{NNN}. # Note: this is an ugly work around, a proper fix is welcome. import sys, os, re def fixupind(fname): """ Fix \\hyperpage{NNN_} entries in the ind file @var{fname} """ tmpout = fname + '.tmp' inp = open(fname) out = open(tmpout, 'wt') rx = re.compile('(hyperpage)[{]([0-9]+)[_][}]') for line in inp: out.write(re.sub(rx, '\\1{\\2}', line)) out.flush() out.close() inp.close() os.rename(tmpout, fname) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) <= 1: sys.exit(1) fixupind(sys.argv[1]) sys.exit(0)