/** @file symbol.cpp * * Implementation of GiNaC's symbolic objects. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include "symbol.h" #include "lst.h" #include "archive.h" #include "tostring.h" #include "utils.h" #include "inifcns.h" namespace GiNaC { GINAC_IMPLEMENT_REGISTERED_CLASS_OPT(symbol, basic, print_func(&symbol::do_print). print_func(&symbol::do_print_latex). print_func(&symbol::do_print_tree). print_func(&symbol::do_print_python_repr)) ////////// // default constructor ////////// // symbol symbol::symbol() : inherited(TINFO_symbol), asexinfop(new assigned_ex_info), serial(next_serial++), name(autoname_prefix() + ToString(serial)), TeX_name(name), ret_type(return_types::commutative), ret_type_tinfo(TINFO_symbol), domain(domain::complex) { setflag(status_flags::evaluated | status_flags::expanded); } // realsymbol realsymbol::realsymbol() { domain = domain::real; } ////////// // other constructors ////////// // public // symbol symbol::symbol(const std::string & initname, unsigned domain) : inherited(TINFO_symbol), asexinfop(new assigned_ex_info), serial(next_serial++), name(initname), TeX_name(default_TeX_name()), ret_type(return_types::commutative), ret_type_tinfo(TINFO_symbol), domain(domain) { setflag(status_flags::evaluated | status_flags::expanded); } symbol::symbol(const std::string & initname, const std::string & texname, unsigned domain) : inherited(TINFO_symbol), asexinfop(new assigned_ex_info), serial(next_serial++), name(initname), TeX_name(texname), ret_type(return_types::commutative), ret_type_tinfo(TINFO_symbol), domain(domain) { setflag(status_flags::evaluated | status_flags::expanded); } symbol::symbol(const std::string & initname, unsigned rt, unsigned rtt, unsigned domain) : inherited(TINFO_symbol), asexinfop(new assigned_ex_info), serial(next_serial++), name(initname), TeX_name(default_TeX_name()), ret_type(rt), ret_type_tinfo(rtt), domain(domain) { setflag(status_flags::evaluated | status_flags::expanded); } symbol::symbol(const std::string & initname, const std::string & texname, unsigned rt, unsigned rtt, unsigned domain) : inherited(TINFO_symbol), asexinfop(new assigned_ex_info), serial(next_serial++), name(initname), TeX_name(texname), ret_type(rt), ret_type_tinfo(rtt), domain(domain) { setflag(status_flags::evaluated | status_flags::expanded); } // realsymbol realsymbol::realsymbol(const std::string & initname, unsigned domain) : symbol(initname, domain) { } realsymbol::realsymbol(const std::string & initname, const std::string & texname, unsigned domain) : symbol(initname, texname, domain) { } realsymbol::realsymbol(const std::string & initname, unsigned rt, unsigned rtt, unsigned domain) : symbol(initname, rt, rtt, domain) { } realsymbol::realsymbol(const std::string & initname, const std::string & texname, unsigned rt, unsigned rtt, unsigned domain) : symbol(initname, texname, rt, rtt, domain) { } ////////// // archiving ////////// /** Construct object from archive_node. */ symbol::symbol(const archive_node &n, lst &sym_lst) : inherited(n, sym_lst), asexinfop(new assigned_ex_info), serial(next_serial++) { if (!n.find_string("name", name)) name = autoname_prefix() + ToString(serial); if (!n.find_string("TeXname", TeX_name)) TeX_name = default_TeX_name(); if (!n.find_unsigned("domain", domain)) domain = domain::complex; if (!n.find_unsigned("return_type", ret_type)) ret_type = return_types::commutative; if (!n.find_unsigned("return_type_tinfo", ret_type_tinfo)) ret_type_tinfo = TINFO_symbol; setflag(status_flags::evaluated | status_flags::expanded); } /** Unarchive the object. */ ex symbol::unarchive(const archive_node &n, lst &sym_lst) { ex s = (new symbol(n, sym_lst))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); // If symbol is in sym_lst, return the existing symbol for (lst::const_iterator it = sym_lst.begin(); it != sym_lst.end(); ++it) { if (is_a(*it) && (ex_to(*it).name == ex_to(s).name)) return *it; } // Otherwise add new symbol to list and return it sym_lst.append(s); return s; } /** Archive the object. */ void symbol::archive(archive_node &n) const { inherited::archive(n); n.add_string("name", name); if (TeX_name != default_TeX_name()) n.add_string("TeX_name", TeX_name); if (domain != domain::complex) n.add_unsigned("domain", domain); if (ret_type != return_types::commutative) n.add_unsigned("return_type", ret_type); if (ret_type_tinfo != TINFO_symbol) n.add_unsigned("return_type_tinfo", ret_type_tinfo); } ////////// // functions overriding virtual functions from base classes ////////// // public void symbol::do_print(const print_context & c, unsigned level) const { c.s << name; } void symbol::do_print_latex(const print_latex & c, unsigned level) const { c.s << TeX_name; } void symbol::do_print_tree(const print_tree & c, unsigned level) const { c.s << std::string(level, ' ') << name << " (" << class_name() << ")" << " @" << this << ", serial=" << serial << std::hex << ", hash=0x" << hashvalue << ", flags=0x" << flags << std::dec << ", domain=" << domain << std::endl; } void symbol::do_print_python_repr(const print_python_repr & c, unsigned level) const { c.s << class_name() << "('" << name; if (TeX_name != default_TeX_name()) c.s << "','" << TeX_name; c.s << "')"; } bool symbol::info(unsigned inf) const { if (inf == info_flags::symbol) return true; if (inf == info_flags::polynomial || inf == info_flags::integer_polynomial || inf == info_flags::cinteger_polynomial || inf == info_flags::rational_polynomial || inf == info_flags::crational_polynomial || inf == info_flags::rational_function) return true; if (inf == info_flags::real) return domain == domain::real; else return inherited::info(inf); } ex symbol::eval(int level) const { if (level == -max_recursion_level) throw(std::runtime_error("max recursion level reached")); if (asexinfop->is_assigned) { setflag(status_flags::evaluated); if (level==1) return (asexinfop->assigned_expression); else return (asexinfop->assigned_expression).eval(level); } else { return this->hold(); } } ex symbol::conjugate() const { if (this->domain == domain::complex) { return GiNaC::conjugate_function(*this).hold(); } else { return *this; } } // protected /** Implementation of ex::diff() for single differentiation of a symbol. * It returns 1 or 0. * * @see ex::diff */ ex symbol::derivative(const symbol & s) const { if (compare_same_type(s)) return _ex0; else return _ex1; } int symbol::compare_same_type(const basic & other) const { GINAC_ASSERT(is_a(other)); const symbol *o = static_cast(&other); if (serial==o->serial) return 0; return serial < o->serial ? -1 : 1; } bool symbol::is_equal_same_type(const basic & other) const { GINAC_ASSERT(is_a(other)); const symbol *o = static_cast(&other); return serial==o->serial; } unsigned symbol::calchash() const { hashvalue = golden_ratio_hash(tinfo() ^ serial); setflag(status_flags::hash_calculated); return hashvalue; } ////////// // virtual functions which can be overridden by derived classes ////////// // none ////////// // non-virtual functions in this class ////////// // public void symbol::assign(const ex & value) { asexinfop->is_assigned = true; asexinfop->assigned_expression = value; clearflag(status_flags::evaluated | status_flags::expanded); } void symbol::unassign() { if (asexinfop->is_assigned) { asexinfop->is_assigned = false; asexinfop->assigned_expression = _ex0; } setflag(status_flags::evaluated | status_flags::expanded); } // private /** Symbols not constructed with a string get one assigned using this * prefix and a number. */ std::string & symbol::autoname_prefix() { static std::string *s = new std::string("symbol"); return *s; } /** Return default TeX name for symbol. This recognizes some greek letters. */ std::string symbol::default_TeX_name() const { if (name=="alpha" || name=="beta" || name=="gamma" || name=="delta" || name=="epsilon" || name=="varepsilon" || name=="zeta" || name=="eta" || name=="theta" || name=="vartheta" || name=="iota" || name=="kappa" || name=="lambda" || name=="mu" || name=="nu" || name=="xi" || name=="omicron" || name=="pi" || name=="varpi" || name=="rho" || name=="varrho" || name=="sigma" || name=="varsigma" || name=="tau" || name=="upsilon" || name=="phi" || name=="varphi" || name=="chi" || name=="psi" || name=="omega" || name=="Gamma" || name=="Delta" || name=="Theta" || name=="Lambda" || name=="Xi" || name=="Pi" || name=="Sigma" || name=="Upsilon" || name=="Phi" || name=="Psi" || name=="Omega") return "\\" + name; else return name; } ////////// // static member variables ////////// // private unsigned symbol::next_serial = 0; ////////// // subclass assigned_ex_info ////////// /** Default ctor. Defaults to unassigned. */ symbol::assigned_ex_info::assigned_ex_info() throw() : is_assigned(false) { } } // namespace GiNaC