/** @file ptr.h * * Reference-counted pointer template. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __GINAC_PTR_H__ #define __GINAC_PTR_H__ #include #include #include "assertion.h" namespace GiNaC { /** Class of (intrusively) reference-counted pointers that support * copy-on-write semantics. * * Requirements for T: * T::refcount member that supports ++refcount, --refcount, refcount = 1, * refcount == 0 and refcount > 1 * T* T::duplicate() member function (only if makewriteable() is used) */ template class ptr { friend class std::less< ptr >; // NB: This implementation of reference counting is not thread-safe. // The reference counter needs to be incremented/decremented atomically, // and makewritable() requires locking. public: // no default ctor: a ptr is never unbound /** Bind ptr to newly created object, start reference counting. */ ptr(T *t) throw() : p(t) { GINAC_ASSERT(p); p->refcount = 1; } /** Bind ptr to existing reference-counted object. */ explicit ptr(T &t) throw() : p(&t) { ++p->refcount; } ptr(const ptr & other) throw() : p(other.p) { ++p->refcount; } ~ptr() { if (--p->refcount == 0) delete p; } ptr &operator=(const ptr & other) { // NB: must first increment other.p->refcount, since other might be *this. ++other.p->refcount; if (--p->refcount == 0) delete p; p = other.p; return *this; } T &operator*() const throw() { return *p; } T *operator->() const throw() { return p; } friend inline T *get_pointer(const ptr & x) throw() { return x.p; } /** Announce your intention to modify the object bound to this ptr. * This ensures that the object is not shared by any other ptrs. */ void makewritable() { if (p->refcount > 1) { T *p2 = p->duplicate(); p2->refcount = 1; --p->refcount; p = p2; } } /** Swap the bound object of this ptr with another ptr. */ void swap(ptr & other) throw() { T *t = p; p = other.p; other.p = t; } // ptr<>s are always supposed to be bound to a valid object, so we don't // provide support for "if (p)", "if (!p)", "if (p==0)" and "if (p!=0)". // We do, however, provide support for comparing ptr<>s with other ptr<>s // to different (probably derived) types and raw pointers. template bool operator==(const ptr & rhs) const throw() { return p == get_pointer(rhs); } template bool operator!=(const ptr & rhs) const throw() { return p != get_pointer(rhs); } template inline friend bool operator==(const ptr & lhs, const U * rhs) throw() { return lhs.p == rhs; } template inline friend bool operator!=(const ptr & lhs, const U * rhs) throw() { return lhs.p != rhs; } template inline friend bool operator==(const U * lhs, const ptr & rhs) throw() { return lhs == rhs.p; } template inline friend bool operator!=(const U * lhs, const ptr & rhs) throw() { return lhs != rhs.p; } inline friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const ptr & rhs) { os << rhs.p; } private: T *p; }; } // namespace GiNaC namespace std { /** Specialization of std::less for ptr to enable ordering of ptr * objects (e.g. for the use as std::map keys). */ template struct less< GiNaC::ptr > : public binary_function, GiNaC::ptr, bool> { bool operator()(const GiNaC::ptr &lhs, const GiNaC::ptr &rhs) const { return less()(lhs.p, rhs.p); } }; } // namespace std #endif // ndef __GINAC_PTR_H__