/** @file print.cpp * * The methods .print() are responsible for the nice default-output of * objects. All related helper-functions go in here as well. */ #include #include "ginac.h" void ex::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("ex print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); ASSERT(bp!=0); bp->print(os,upper_precedence); } void ex::dbgprint(void) const { debugmsg("ex dbgprint",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); ASSERT(bp!=0); bp->dbgprint(); } void basic::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("basic print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); os << "[basic object]"; } void basic::dbgprint(void) const { print(cerr); cerr << endl; } void symbol::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("symbol print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); os << name; } void constant::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("constant print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); os << name; } void power::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("power print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); #if 1 if (precedence<=upper_precedence) os << "("; basis.print(os,precedence); os << "^"; exponent.print(os,precedence); if (precedence<=upper_precedence) os << ")"; #else os << "pow(" << basis << "," << exponent << ")"; #endif } void fail::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("fail print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); os << "FAIL"; } void expairseq::printpair(ostream & os, expair const & p, unsigned upper_precedence) const { os << "[["; p.rest.bp->print(os,precedence); os << ","; p.coeff.bp->print(os,precedence); os << "]]"; } /* void expairseq::printseq(ostream & os, char delim, unsigned this_precedence, unsigned upper_precedence) const { if (this_precedence<=upper_precedence) os << "("; epvector::const_iterator itt,it,it_last,it_start; it_last=seq.end(); --it_last; it_start=seq.begin(); switch (delim) { case '+': for (it=seq.begin(); it!=it_last; ++it) { itt = it +1; expair const & k = *itt; printpair(os,*it, this_precedence); if (((is_ex_of_type(k.rest, numeric)) && (k.coeff*k.rest > 0) ) || ((!is_ex_of_type(k.rest, numeric)) && (k.coeff >0))){ os << "+"; } } printpair(os,*it,this_precedence); break; case '*': for (it = it_last ; it!=it_start; --it) { if ((*it).rest.is_equal(exMINUSONE()) && (*it).coeff.is_equal(exONE())) { os << "-"; } else { printpair(os, *it,this_precedence); os << delim; } } printpair(os,*it,this_precedence); break; default: clog << "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition: " << "deliminator unknown!" << endl; } if (this_precedence<=upper_precedence) os << ")"; } */ void expairseq::printseq(ostream & os, char delim, unsigned this_precedence, unsigned upper_precedence) const { if (this_precedence<=upper_precedence) os << "("; epvector::const_iterator it,it_last; it_last=seq.end(); --it_last; for (it=seq.begin(); it!=it_last; ++it) { printpair(os,*it,this_precedence); os << delim; } printpair(os,*it,this_precedence); if (!overall_coeff.is_equal(default_overall_coeff())) { os << delim << overall_coeff; } if (this_precedence<=upper_precedence) os << ")"; } void expairseq::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("expairseq print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); os << "[["; printseq(os,',',precedence,upper_precedence); os << "]]"; } void add::printpair(ostream & os, expair const & p, unsigned upper_precedence) const { os << "("; if (p.coeff == -1) { os << "-"; } else { if (p.coeff != 1) { os << p.coeff; os << "*"; } } os << p.rest; os << ")"; } void add::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("add print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); if (precedence<=upper_precedence) os << "("; bool first=true; for (epvector::const_iterator cit=seq.begin(); cit!=seq.end(); ++cit) { if (!first) { if (cit->coeff > 0) os << '+'; } else { first=false; } if (cit->coeff == -1) { os << "-"; } else { if (cit->coeff != 1) { (cit->coeff).print(os,precedence); os << "*"; } } os << cit->rest; } if (!overall_coeff.is_zero()) { if (overall_coeff > 0) os << '+'; os << overall_coeff; } if (precedence<=upper_precedence) os << ")"; } void mul::printpair(ostream & os, expair const & p, unsigned upper_precedence) const { os << "("; if (p.coeff.compare(exONE())==0) { p.rest.print(os,upper_precedence); } else { // outer parens around ex needed for broken gcc-2.95 parser: (ex(power(p.rest,p.coeff))).print(os,upper_precedence); } os << ")"; } void mul::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("mul print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); if (precedence<=upper_precedence) os << "("; bool first=true; if (!overall_coeff.is_equal(exONE())) { overall_coeff.print(os,precedence); first=false; } for (epvector::const_iterator cit=seq.begin(); cit!=seq.end(); ++cit) { if (!first) { os << '*'; } else { first=false; } recombine_pair_to_ex(*cit).print(os,precedence); } if (precedence<=upper_precedence) os << ")"; } void ncmul::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("ncmul print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); printseq(os,'(','%',')',precedence,upper_precedence); } /*void function::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const *{ * debugmsg("function print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); * os << name; * printseq(os,'(',',',')',exprseq::precedence,function::precedence); *}*/ void series::print(ostream &os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("symbol print", LOGLEVEL_PRINT); convert_to_poly().print(os, upper_precedence); } void relational::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("relational print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); if (precedence<=upper_precedence) os << "("; lh.print(os,precedence); switch (o) { case equal: os << "=="; break; case not_equal: os << "!="; break; case less: os << "<"; break; case less_or_equal: os << "<="; break; case greater: os << ">"; break; case greater_or_equal: os << ">="; break; default: os << "(INVALID RELATIONAL OPERATOR)"; } rh.print(os,precedence); if (precedence<=upper_precedence) os << ")"; } void matrix::print(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("matrix print",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); os << "[[ "; for (int r=0; r