/** @file power.cpp * * Implementation of GiNaC's symbolic exponentiation (basis^exponent). */ #include #include #include #include "ginac.h" typedef vector intvector; ////////// // default constructor, destructor, copy constructor assignment operator and helpers ////////// // public power::power() : basic(TINFO_POWER) { debugmsg("power default constructor",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT); } power::~power() { debugmsg("power destructor",LOGLEVEL_DESTRUCT); destroy(0); } power::power(power const & other) { debugmsg("power copy constructor",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT); copy(other); } power const & power::operator=(power const & other) { debugmsg("power operator=",LOGLEVEL_ASSIGNMENT); if (this != &other) { destroy(1); copy(other); } return *this; } // protected void power::copy(power const & other) { basic::copy(other); basis=other.basis; exponent=other.exponent; } void power::destroy(bool call_parent) { if (call_parent) basic::destroy(call_parent); } ////////// // other constructors ////////// // public power::power(ex const & lh, ex const & rh) : basic(TINFO_POWER), basis(lh), exponent(rh) { debugmsg("power constructor from ex,ex",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT); ASSERT(basis.return_type()==return_types::commutative); } power::power(ex const & lh, numeric const & rh) : basic(TINFO_POWER), basis(lh), exponent(rh) { debugmsg("power constructor from ex,numeric",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT); ASSERT(basis.return_type()==return_types::commutative); } ////////// // functions overriding virtual functions from bases classes ////////// // public basic * power::duplicate() const { debugmsg("power duplicate",LOGLEVEL_DUPLICATE); return new power(*this); } bool power::info(unsigned inf) const { if (inf==info_flags::polynomial || inf==info_flags::integer_polynomial || inf==info_flags::rational_polynomial) { return exponent.info(info_flags::nonnegint); } else if (inf==info_flags::rational_function) { return exponent.info(info_flags::integer); } else { return basic::info(inf); } } int power::nops() const { return 2; } ex & power::let_op(int const i) { ASSERT(i>=0); ASSERT(i<2); return i==0 ? basis : exponent; } int power::degree(symbol const & s) const { if (is_exactly_of_type(*exponent.bp,numeric)) { if ((*basis.bp).compare(s)==0) return ex_to_numeric(exponent).to_int(); else return basis.degree(s) * ex_to_numeric(exponent).to_int(); } return 0; } int power::ldegree(symbol const & s) const { if (is_exactly_of_type(*exponent.bp,numeric)) { if ((*basis.bp).compare(s)==0) return ex_to_numeric(exponent).to_int(); else return basis.ldegree(s) * ex_to_numeric(exponent).to_int(); } return 0; } ex power::coeff(symbol const & s, int const n) const { if ((*basis.bp).compare(s)!=0) { // basis not equal to s if (n==0) { return *this; } else { return exZERO(); } } else if (is_exactly_of_type(*exponent.bp,numeric)&& (static_cast(*exponent.bp).compare(numeric(n))==0)) { return exONE(); } return exZERO(); } ex power::eval(int level) const { // simplifications: ^(x,0) -> 1 (0^0 handled here) // ^(x,1) -> x // ^(0,x) -> 0 (except if x is real and negative, in which case an exception is thrown) // ^(1,x) -> 1 // ^(c1,c2) -> *(c1^n,c1^(c2-n)) (c1, c2 numeric(), 0<(c2-n)<1 except if c1,c2 are rational, but c1^c2 is not) // ^(^(x,c1),c2) -> ^(x,c1*c2) (c1, c2 numeric(), c2 integer or -1 < c1 <= 1, case c1=1 should not happen, see below!) // ^(*(x,y,z),c1) -> *(x^c1,y^c1,z^c1) (c1 integer) // ^(*(x,c1),c2) -> ^(x,c2)*c1^c2 (c1, c2 numeric(), c1>0) // ^(*(x,c1),c2) -> ^(-x,c2)*c1^c2 (c1, c2 numeric(), c1<0) debugmsg("power eval",LOGLEVEL_MEMBER_FUNCTION); if ((level==1)&&(flags & status_flags::evaluated)) { return *this; } else if (level == -max_recursion_level) { throw(std::runtime_error("max recursion level reached")); } ex const & ebasis = level==1 ? basis : basis.eval(level-1); ex const & eexponent = level==1 ? exponent : exponent.eval(level-1); bool basis_is_numerical=0; bool exponent_is_numerical=0; numeric * num_basis; numeric * num_exponent; if (is_exactly_of_type(*ebasis.bp,numeric)) { basis_is_numerical=1; num_basis=static_cast(ebasis.bp); } if (is_exactly_of_type(*eexponent.bp,numeric)) { exponent_is_numerical=1; num_exponent=static_cast(eexponent.bp); } // ^(x,0) -> 1 (0^0 also handled here) if (eexponent.is_zero()) return exONE(); // ^(x,1) -> x if (eexponent.is_equal(exONE())) return ebasis; // ^(0,x) -> 0 (except if x is real and negative) if (ebasis.is_zero()) { if (exponent_is_numerical && num_exponent->is_negative()) { throw(std::overflow_error("power::eval(): division by zero")); } else return exZERO(); } // ^(1,x) -> 1 if (ebasis.is_equal(exONE())) return exONE(); if (basis_is_numerical && exponent_is_numerical) { // ^(c1,c2) -> c1^c2 (c1, c2 numeric(), // except if c1,c2 are rational, but c1^c2 is not) bool basis_is_rational = num_basis->is_rational(); bool exponent_is_rational = num_exponent->is_rational(); numeric res = (*num_basis).power(*num_exponent); if ((!basis_is_rational || !exponent_is_rational) || res.is_rational()) { return res; } ASSERT(!num_exponent->is_integer()); // has been handled by now // ^(c1,n/m) -> *(c1^q,c1^(n/m-q)), 0<(n/m-h)<1, q integer if (basis_is_rational && exponent_is_rational && num_exponent->is_real() && !num_exponent->is_integer()) { numeric r, q, n, m; n = num_exponent->numer(); m = num_exponent->denom(); q = iquo(n, m, r); if (r.is_negative()) { r = r.add(m); q = q.sub(numONE()); } if (q.is_zero()) // the exponent was in the allowed range 0<(n/m)<1 return this->hold(); else { epvector res(2); res.push_back(expair(ebasis,r.div(m))); res.push_back(expair(ex(num_basis->power(q)),exONE())); return (new mul(res))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated | status_flags::evaluated); /*return mul(num_basis->power(q), power(ex(*num_basis),ex(r.div(m)))).hold(); */ /* return (new mul(num_basis->power(q), power(*num_basis,r.div(m)).hold()))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated | status_flags::evaluated); */ } } } // ^(^(x,c1),c2) -> ^(x,c1*c2) // (c1, c2 numeric(), c2 integer or -1 < c1 <= 1, // case c1=1 should not happen, see below!) if (exponent_is_numerical && is_ex_exactly_of_type(ebasis,power)) { power const & sub_power=ex_to_power(ebasis); ex const & sub_basis=sub_power.basis; ex const & sub_exponent=sub_power.exponent; if (is_ex_exactly_of_type(sub_exponent,numeric)) { numeric const & num_sub_exponent=ex_to_numeric(sub_exponent); ASSERT(num_sub_exponent!=numeric(1)); if (num_exponent->is_integer() || abs(num_sub_exponent)<1) { return power(sub_basis,num_sub_exponent.mul(*num_exponent)); } } } // ^(*(x,y,z),c1) -> *(x^c1,y^c1,z^c1) (c1 integer) if (exponent_is_numerical && num_exponent->is_integer() && is_ex_exactly_of_type(ebasis,mul)) { return expand_mul(ex_to_mul(ebasis), *num_exponent); } // ^(*(...,x;c1),c2) -> ^(*(...,x;1),c2)*c1^c2 (c1, c2 numeric(), c1>0) // ^(*(...,x,c1),c2) -> ^(*(...,x;-1),c2)*(-c1)^c2 (c1, c2 numeric(), c1<0) if (exponent_is_numerical && is_ex_exactly_of_type(ebasis,mul)) { ASSERT(!num_exponent->is_integer()); // should have been handled above mul const & mulref=ex_to_mul(ebasis); if (!mulref.overall_coeff.is_equal(exONE())) { numeric const & num_coeff=ex_to_numeric(mulref.overall_coeff); if (num_coeff.is_real()) { if (num_coeff.is_positive()>0) { mul * mulp=new mul(mulref); mulp->overall_coeff=exONE(); mulp->clearflag(status_flags::evaluated); mulp->clearflag(status_flags::hash_calculated); return (new mul(power(*mulp,exponent), power(num_coeff,*num_exponent)))-> setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } else { ASSERT(num_coeff.compare(numZERO())<0); if (num_coeff.compare(numMINUSONE())!=0) { mul * mulp=new mul(mulref); mulp->overall_coeff=exMINUSONE(); mulp->clearflag(status_flags::evaluated); mulp->clearflag(status_flags::hash_calculated); return (new mul(power(*mulp,exponent), power(abs(num_coeff),*num_exponent)))-> setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } } } } } if (are_ex_trivially_equal(ebasis,basis) && are_ex_trivially_equal(eexponent,exponent)) { return this->hold(); } return (new power(ebasis, eexponent))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated | status_flags::evaluated); } ex power::evalf(int level) const { debugmsg("power evalf",LOGLEVEL_MEMBER_FUNCTION); ex ebasis; ex eexponent; if (level==1) { ebasis=basis; eexponent=exponent; } else if (level == -max_recursion_level) { throw(std::runtime_error("max recursion level reached")); } else { ebasis=basis.evalf(level-1); eexponent=exponent.evalf(level-1); } return power(ebasis,eexponent); } ex power::subs(lst const & ls, lst const & lr) const { ex const & subsed_basis=basis.subs(ls,lr); ex const & subsed_exponent=exponent.subs(ls,lr); if (are_ex_trivially_equal(basis,subsed_basis)&& are_ex_trivially_equal(exponent,subsed_exponent)) { return *this; } return power(subsed_basis, subsed_exponent); } ex power::simplify_ncmul(exvector const & v) const { return basic::simplify_ncmul(v); } // protected int power::compare_same_type(basic const & other) const { ASSERT(is_exactly_of_type(other, power)); power const & o=static_cast(const_cast(other)); int cmpval; cmpval=basis.compare(o.basis); if (cmpval==0) { return exponent.compare(o.exponent); } return cmpval; } unsigned power::return_type(void) const { return basis.return_type(); } unsigned power::return_type_tinfo(void) const { return basis.return_type_tinfo(); } ex power::expand(unsigned options) const { ex expanded_basis=basis.expand(options); if (!is_ex_exactly_of_type(exponent,numeric)|| !ex_to_numeric(exponent).is_integer()) { if (are_ex_trivially_equal(basis,expanded_basis)) { return this->hold(); } else { return (new power(expanded_basis,exponent))-> setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } } // integer numeric exponent numeric const & num_exponent=ex_to_numeric(exponent); int int_exponent = num_exponent.to_int(); if (int_exponent > 0 && is_ex_exactly_of_type(expanded_basis,add)) { return expand_add(ex_to_add(expanded_basis), int_exponent); } if (is_ex_exactly_of_type(expanded_basis,mul)) { return expand_mul(ex_to_mul(expanded_basis), num_exponent); } // cannot expand further if (are_ex_trivially_equal(basis,expanded_basis)) { return this->hold(); } else { return (new power(expanded_basis,exponent))-> setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } } ////////// // new virtual functions which can be overridden by derived classes ////////// // none ////////// // non-virtual functions in this class ////////// ex power::expand_add(add const & a, int const n) const { // expand a^n where a is an add and n is an integer if (n==2) { return expand_add_2(a); } int m=a.nops(); exvector sum; sum.reserve((n+1)*(m-1)); intvector k(m-1); intvector k_cum(m-1); // k_cum[l]:=sum(i=0,l,k[l]); intvector upper_limit(m-1); int l; for (int l=0; lsetflag(status_flags::dynallocated)); // increment k[] l=m-2; while ((l>=0)&&((++k[l])>upper_limit[l])) { k[l]=0; l--; } if (l<0) break; // recalc k_cum[] and upper_limit[] if (l==0) { k_cum[0]=k[0]; } else { k_cum[l]=k_cum[l-1]+k[l]; } for (int i=l+1; isetflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } /* ex power::expand_add_2(add const & a) const { // special case: expand a^2 where a is an add epvector sum; sum.reserve((a.seq.size()*(a.seq.size()+1))/2); epvector::const_iterator last=a.seq.end(); for (epvector::const_iterator cit0=a.seq.begin(); cit0!=last; ++cit0) { ex const & b=a.recombine_pair_to_ex(*cit0); ASSERT(!is_ex_exactly_of_type(b,add)); ASSERT(!is_ex_exactly_of_type(b,power)|| !is_ex_exactly_of_type(ex_to_power(b).exponent,numeric)|| !ex_to_numeric(ex_to_power(b).exponent).is_pos_integer()); if (is_ex_exactly_of_type(b,mul)) { sum.push_back(a.split_ex_to_pair(expand_mul(ex_to_mul(b),numTWO()))); } else { sum.push_back(a.split_ex_to_pair((new power(b,exTWO()))-> setflag(status_flags::dynallocated))); } for (epvector::const_iterator cit1=cit0+1; cit1!=last; ++cit1) { sum.push_back(a.split_ex_to_pair((new mul(a.recombine_pair_to_ex(*cit0), a.recombine_pair_to_ex(*cit1)))-> setflag(status_flags::dynallocated), exTWO())); } } ASSERT(sum.size()==(a.seq.size()*(a.seq.size()+1))/2); return (new add(sum))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } */ ex power::expand_add_2(add const & a) const { // special case: expand a^2 where a is an add epvector sum; unsigned a_nops=a.nops(); sum.reserve((a_nops*(a_nops+1))/2); epvector::const_iterator last=a.seq.end(); // power(+(x,...,z;c),2)=power(+(x,...,z;0),2)+2*c*+(x,...,z;0)+c*c // first part: ignore overall_coeff and expand other terms for (epvector::const_iterator cit0=a.seq.begin(); cit0!=last; ++cit0) { ex const & r=(*cit0).rest; ex const & c=(*cit0).coeff; ASSERT(!is_ex_exactly_of_type(r,add)); ASSERT(!is_ex_exactly_of_type(r,power)|| !is_ex_exactly_of_type(ex_to_power(r).exponent,numeric)|| !ex_to_numeric(ex_to_power(r).exponent).is_pos_integer()|| !is_ex_exactly_of_type(ex_to_power(r).basis,add)|| !is_ex_exactly_of_type(ex_to_power(r).basis,mul)|| !is_ex_exactly_of_type(ex_to_power(r).basis,power)); if (are_ex_trivially_equal(c,exONE())) { if (is_ex_exactly_of_type(r,mul)) { sum.push_back(expair(expand_mul(ex_to_mul(r),numTWO()),exONE())); } else { sum.push_back(expair((new power(r,exTWO()))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated), exONE())); } } else { if (is_ex_exactly_of_type(r,mul)) { sum.push_back(expair(expand_mul(ex_to_mul(r),numTWO()), ex_to_numeric(c).power_dyn(numTWO()))); } else { sum.push_back(expair((new power(r,exTWO()))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated), ex_to_numeric(c).power_dyn(numTWO()))); } } for (epvector::const_iterator cit1=cit0+1; cit1!=last; ++cit1) { ex const & r1=(*cit1).rest; ex const & c1=(*cit1).coeff; sum.push_back(a.combine_ex_with_coeff_to_pair((new mul(r,r1))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated), numTWO().mul(ex_to_numeric(c)).mul_dyn(ex_to_numeric(c1)))); } } ASSERT(sum.size()==(a.seq.size()*(a.seq.size()+1))/2); // second part: add terms coming from overall_factor (if != 0) if (!a.overall_coeff.is_equal(exZERO())) { for (epvector::const_iterator cit=a.seq.begin(); cit!=a.seq.end(); ++cit) { sum.push_back(a.combine_pair_with_coeff_to_pair(*cit,ex_to_numeric(a.overall_coeff).mul_dyn(numTWO()))); } sum.push_back(expair(ex_to_numeric(a.overall_coeff).power_dyn(numTWO()),exONE())); } ASSERT(sum.size()==(a_nops*(a_nops+1))/2); return (new add(sum))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } ex power::expand_mul(mul const & m, numeric const & n) const { // expand m^n where m is a mul and n is and integer if (n.is_equal(numZERO())) { return exONE(); } epvector distrseq; distrseq.reserve(m.seq.size()); epvector::const_iterator last=m.seq.end(); epvector::const_iterator cit=m.seq.begin(); while (cit!=last) { if (is_ex_exactly_of_type((*cit).rest,numeric)) { distrseq.push_back(m.combine_pair_with_coeff_to_pair(*cit,n)); } else { // it is safe not to call mul::combine_pair_with_coeff_to_pair() // since n is an integer distrseq.push_back(expair((*cit).rest, ex_to_numeric((*cit).coeff).mul(n))); } ++cit; } return (new mul(distrseq,ex_to_numeric(m.overall_coeff).power_dyn(n))) ->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } /* ex power::expand_commutative_3(ex const & basis, numeric const & exponent, unsigned options) const { // obsolete exvector distrseq; epvector splitseq; add const & addref=static_cast(*basis.bp); splitseq=addref.seq; splitseq.pop_back(); ex first_operands=add(splitseq); ex last_operand=addref.recombine_pair_to_ex(*(addref.seq.end()-1)); int n=exponent.to_int(); for (int k=0; k<=n; k++) { distrseq.push_back(binomial(n,k)*power(first_operands,numeric(k))* power(last_operand,numeric(n-k))); } return ex((new add(distrseq))->setflag(status_flags::sub_expanded | status_flags::expanded | status_flags::dynallocated )). expand(options); } */ /* ex power::expand_noncommutative(ex const & basis, numeric const & exponent, unsigned options) const { ex rest_power=ex(power(basis,exponent.add(numMINUSONE()))). expand(options | expand_options::internal_do_not_expand_power_operands); return ex(mul(rest_power,basis),0). expand(options | expand_options::internal_do_not_expand_mul_operands); } */ ////////// // static member variables ////////// // protected unsigned power::precedence=60; ////////// // global constants ////////// const power some_power; type_info const & typeid_power=typeid(some_power);