/** @file inifcns_nstdsums.cpp * * Implementation of some special functions that have a representation as nested sums. * * The functions are: * classical polylogarithm Li(n,x) * multiple polylogarithm Li(lst(m_1,...,m_k),lst(x_1,...,x_k)) * nielsen's generalized polylogarithm S(n,p,x) * harmonic polylogarithm H(m,x) or H(lst(m_1,...,m_k),x) * multiple zeta value zeta(m) or zeta(lst(m_1,...,m_k)) * alternating Euler sum zeta(m,s) or zeta(lst(m_1,...,m_k),lst(s_1,...,s_k)) * * Some remarks: * * - All formulae used can be looked up in the following publications: * [Kol] Nielsen's Generalized Polylogarithms, K.S.Kolbig, SIAM J.Math.Anal. 17 (1986), pp. 1232-1258. * [Cra] Fast Evaluation of Multiple Zeta Sums, R.E.Crandall, Math.Comp. 67 (1998), pp. 1163-1172. * [ReV] Harmonic Polylogarithms, E.Remiddi, J.A.M.Vermaseren, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A15 (2000), pp. 725-754 * [BBB] Special Values of Multiple Polylogarithms, J.Borwein, D.Bradley, D.Broadhurst, P.Lisonek, Trans.Amer.Math.Soc. 353/3 (2001), pp. 907-941 * * - The order of parameters and arguments of H, Li and zeta is defined according to their order in the * nested sums representation. * * - Except for the multiple polylogarithm all functions can be nummerically evaluated with arguments in * the whole complex plane. Multiple polylogarithms evaluate only if each argument x_i is smaller than * one. The parameters for every function (n, p or n_i) must be positive integers. * * - The calculation of classical polylogarithms is speed up by using Bernoulli numbers and * look-up tables. S uses look-up tables as well. The zeta function applies the algorithms in * [Cra] and [BBB] for speed up. * * - The functions have no series expansion as nested sums. To do it, you have to convert these functions * into the appropriate objects from the nestedsums library, do the expansion and convert the * result back. * * - Numerical testing of this implementation has been performed by doing a comparison of results * between this software and the commercial M.......... 4.1. Multiple zeta values have been checked * by means of evaluations into simple zeta values. Harmonic polylogarithms have been checked by * comparison to S(n,p,x) for corresponding parameter combinations and by continuity checks * around |x|=1 along with comparisons to corresponding zeta functions. * */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include "inifcns.h" #include "add.h" #include "constant.h" #include "lst.h" #include "mul.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "operators.h" #include "power.h" #include "pseries.h" #include "relational.h" #include "symbol.h" #include "utils.h" #include "wildcard.h" //DEBUG #include using namespace std; namespace GiNaC { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Classical polylogarithm Li(n,x) // // helper functions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // anonymous namespace for helper functions namespace { // lookup table for factors built from Bernoulli numbers // see fill_Xn() std::vector > Xn; int xnsize = 0; // This function calculates the X_n. The X_n are needed for speed up of classical polylogarithms. // With these numbers the polylogs can be calculated as follows: // Li_p (x) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty X_{p-2}(n) u^{n+1}/(n+1)! with u = -log(1-x) // X_0(n) = B_n (Bernoulli numbers) // X_p(n) = \sum_{k=0}^n binomial(n,k) B_{n-k} / (k+1) * X_{p-1}(k) // The calculation of Xn depends on X0 and X{n-1}. // X_0 is special, it holds only the non-zero Bernoulli numbers with index 2 or greater. // This results in a slightly more complicated algorithm for the X_n. // The first index in Xn corresponds to the index of the polylog minus 2. // The second index in Xn corresponds to the index from the actual sum. void fill_Xn(int n) { // rule of thumb. needs to be improved. TODO const int initsize = Digits * 3 / 2; if (n>1) { // calculate X_2 and higher (corresponding to Li_4 and higher) std::vector buf(initsize); std::vector::iterator it = buf.begin(); cln::cl_N result; *it = -(cln::expt(cln::cl_I(2),n+1) - 1) / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(2),n+1); // i == 1 it++; for (int i=2; i<=initsize; i++) { if (i&1) { result = 0; // k == 0 } else { result = Xn[0][i/2-1]; // k == 0 } for (int k=1; k 1)) ) { result = result + cln::binomial(i,k) * Xn[0][(i-k)/2-1] * Xn[n-1][k-1] / (k+1); } } result = result - cln::binomial(i,i-1) * Xn[n-1][i-2] / 2 / i; // k == i-1 result = result + Xn[n-1][i-1] / (i+1); // k == i *it = result; it++; } Xn.push_back(buf); } else if (n==1) { // special case to handle the X_0 correct std::vector buf(initsize); std::vector::iterator it = buf.begin(); cln::cl_N result; *it = cln::cl_I(-3)/cln::cl_I(4); // i == 1 it++; *it = cln::cl_I(17)/cln::cl_I(36); // i == 2 it++; for (int i=3; i<=initsize; i++) { if (i & 1) { result = -Xn[0][(i-3)/2]/2; *it = (cln::binomial(i,1)/cln::cl_I(2) + cln::binomial(i,i-1)/cln::cl_I(i))*result; it++; } else { result = Xn[0][i/2-1] + Xn[0][i/2-1]/(i+1); for (int k=1; k buf(initsize/2); std::vector::iterator it = buf.begin(); for (int i=1; i<=initsize/2; i++) { *it = bernoulli(i*2).to_cl_N(); it++; } Xn.push_back(buf); } xnsize++; } // calculates Li(2,x) without Xn cln::cl_N Li2_do_sum(const cln::cl_N& x) { cln::cl_N res = x; cln::cl_N resbuf; cln::cl_N num = x; cln::cl_I den = 1; // n^2 = 1 unsigned i = 3; do { resbuf = res; num = num * x; den = den + i; // n^2 = 4, 9, 16, ... i += 2; res = res + num / den; } while (res != resbuf); return res; } // calculates Li(2,x) with Xn cln::cl_N Li2_do_sum_Xn(const cln::cl_N& x) { std::vector::const_iterator it = Xn[0].begin(); cln::cl_N u = -cln::log(1-x); cln::cl_N factor = u; cln::cl_N res = u - u*u/4; cln::cl_N resbuf; unsigned i = 1; do { resbuf = res; factor = factor * u*u / (2*i * (2*i+1)); res = res + (*it) * factor; it++; // should we check it? or rely on initsize? ... i++; } while (res != resbuf); return res; } // calculates Li(n,x), n>2 without Xn cln::cl_N Lin_do_sum(int n, const cln::cl_N& x) { cln::cl_N factor = x; cln::cl_N res = x; cln::cl_N resbuf; int i=2; do { resbuf = res; factor = factor * x; res = res + factor / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(i),n); i++; } while (res != resbuf); return res; } // calculates Li(n,x), n>2 with Xn cln::cl_N Lin_do_sum_Xn(int n, const cln::cl_N& x) { std::vector::const_iterator it = Xn[n-2].begin(); cln::cl_N u = -cln::log(1-x); cln::cl_N factor = u; cln::cl_N res = u; cln::cl_N resbuf; unsigned i=2; do { resbuf = res; factor = factor * u / i; res = res + (*it) * factor; it++; // should we check it? or rely on initsize? ... i++; } while (res != resbuf); return res; } // forward declaration needed by function Li_projection and C below numeric S_num(int n, int p, const numeric& x); // helper function for classical polylog Li cln::cl_N Li_projection(int n, const cln::cl_N& x, const cln::float_format_t& prec) { // treat n=2 as special case if (n == 2) { // check if precalculated X0 exists if (xnsize == 0) { fill_Xn(0); } if (cln::realpart(x) < 0.5) { // choose the faster algorithm // the switching point was empirically determined. the optimal point // depends on hardware, Digits, ... so an approx value is okay. // it solves also the problem with precision due to the u=-log(1-x) transformation if (cln::abs(cln::realpart(x)) < 0.25) { return Li2_do_sum(x); } else { return Li2_do_sum_Xn(x); } } else { // choose the faster algorithm if (cln::abs(cln::realpart(x)) > 0.75) { return -Li2_do_sum(1-x) - cln::log(x) * cln::log(1-x) + cln::zeta(2); } else { return -Li2_do_sum_Xn(1-x) - cln::log(x) * cln::log(1-x) + cln::zeta(2); } } } else { // check if precalculated Xn exist if (n > xnsize+1) { for (int i=xnsize; i=12 the "normal" summation always wins against the method with Xn if ((cln::abs(cln::realpart(x)) < 0.3) || (n >= 12)) { return Lin_do_sum(n, x); } else { return Lin_do_sum_Xn(n, x); } } else { cln::cl_N result = -cln::expt(cln::log(x), n-1) * cln::log(1-x) / cln::factorial(n-1); for (int j=0; j(cln::realpart(value))); else if (!x.imag().is_rational()) prec = cln::float_format(cln::the(cln::imagpart(value))); // [Kol] (5.15) if (cln::abs(value) > 1) { cln::cl_N result = -cln::expt(cln::log(-value),n) / cln::factorial(n); // check if argument is complex. if it is real, the new polylog has to be conjugated. if (cln::zerop(cln::imagpart(value))) { if (n & 1) { result = result + conjugate(Li_projection(n, cln::recip(value), prec)); } else { result = result - conjugate(Li_projection(n, cln::recip(value), prec)); } } else { if (n & 1) { result = result + Li_projection(n, cln::recip(value), prec); } else { result = result - Li_projection(n, cln::recip(value), prec); } } cln::cl_N add; for (int j=0; j& s, const std::vector& x) { const int j = s.size(); //DEBUG cout << "m "; for (int i=0; i t(j); cln::cl_F one = cln::cl_float(1, cln::float_format(Digits)); cln::cl_N t0buf; int q = 0; do { t0buf = t[0]; // do it once ... q++; t[j-1] = t[j-1] + cln::expt(x[j-1], q) / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(q),s[j-1]) * one; for (int k=j-2; k>=0; k--) { t[k] = t[k] + t[k+1] * cln::expt(x[k], q+j-1-k) / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(q+j-1-k), s[k]); } // ... and do it again (to avoid premature drop out due to special arguments) q++; t[j-1] = t[j-1] + cln::expt(x[j-1], q) / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(q),s[j-1]) * one; for (int k=j-2; k>=0; k--) { t[k] = t[k] + t[k+1] * cln::expt(x[k], q+j-1-k) / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(q+j-1-k), s[k]); } } while (t[0] != t0buf); //DEBUG cout << "end " << q << " " << t[0] << endl; return t[0]; } } // end of anonymous namespace ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Classical polylogarithm and multiple polylogarithm Li(n,x) // // GiNaC function // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static ex Li_eval(const ex& x1, const ex& x2) { if (x2.is_zero()) { return _ex0; } else { if (x2.info(info_flags::numeric) && (!x2.info(info_flags::crational))) return Li_num(ex_to(x1).to_int(), ex_to(x2)); if (is_a(x2)) { for (int i=0; i(x2.op(i))) { return Li(x1,x2).hold(); } } return Li(x1,x2).evalf(); } return Li(x1,x2).hold(); } } static ex Li_evalf(const ex& x1, const ex& x2) { // classical polylogs if (is_a(x1) && is_a(x2)) { return Li_num(ex_to(x1).to_int(), ex_to(x2)); } // multiple polylogs else if (is_a(x1) && is_a(x2)) { ex conv = 1; for (int i=0; i(x2.op(i))) { return Li(x1,x2).hold(); } conv *= x2.op(i); if ((conv > 1) || ((conv == 1) && (x1.op(0) == 1))) { return Li(x1,x2).hold(); } } std::vector m; std::vector x; for (int i=0; i(x1.nops()).to_int(); i++) { m.push_back(ex_to(x1.op(i)).to_int()); x.push_back(ex_to(x2.op(i)).to_cl_N()); } return numeric(multipleLi_do_sum(m, x)); } return Li(x1,x2).hold(); } static ex Li_series(const ex& x1, const ex& x2, const relational& rel, int order, unsigned options) { epvector seq; seq.push_back(expair(Li(x1,x2), 0)); return pseries(rel,seq); } static ex Li_deriv(const ex& x1, const ex& x2, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param < 2); if (deriv_param == 0) { return _ex0; } if (x1 > 0) { return Li(x1-1, x2) / x2; } else { return 1/(1-x2); } } REGISTER_FUNCTION(Li, eval_func(Li_eval). evalf_func(Li_evalf). do_not_evalf_params(). series_func(Li_series). derivative_func(Li_deriv)); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Nielsen's generalized polylogarithm S(n,p,x) // // helper functions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // anonymous namespace for helper functions namespace { // lookup table for special Euler-Zagier-Sums (used for S_n,p(x)) // see fill_Yn() std::vector > Yn; int ynsize = 0; // number of Yn[] int ynlength = 100; // initial length of all Yn[i] // This function calculates the Y_n. The Y_n are needed for the evaluation of S_{n,p}(x). // The Y_n are basically Euler-Zagier sums with all m_i=1. They are subsums in the Z-sum // representing S_{n,p}(x). // The first index in Y_n corresponds to the parameter p minus one, i.e. the depth of the // equivalent Z-sum. // The second index in Y_n corresponds to the running index of the outermost sum in the full Z-sum // representing S_{n,p}(x). // The calculation of Y_n uses the values from Y_{n-1}. void fill_Yn(int n, const cln::float_format_t& prec) { const int initsize = ynlength; //const int initsize = initsize_Yn; cln::cl_N one = cln::cl_float(1, prec); if (n) { std::vector buf(initsize); std::vector::iterator it = buf.begin(); std::vector::iterator itprev = Yn[n-1].begin(); *it = (*itprev) / cln::cl_N(n+1) * one; it++; itprev++; // sums with an index smaller than the depth are zero and need not to be calculated. // calculation starts with depth, which is n+2) for (int i=n+2; i<=initsize+n; i++) { *it = *(it-1) + (*itprev) / cln::cl_N(i) * one; it++; itprev++; } Yn.push_back(buf); } else { std::vector buf(initsize); std::vector::iterator it = buf.begin(); *it = 1 * one; it++; for (int i=2; i<=initsize; i++) { *it = *(it-1) + 1 / cln::cl_N(i) * one; it++; } Yn.push_back(buf); } ynsize++; } // make Yn longer ... void make_Yn_longer(int newsize, const cln::float_format_t& prec) { cln::cl_N one = cln::cl_float(1, prec); Yn[0].resize(newsize); std::vector::iterator it = Yn[0].begin(); it += ynlength; for (int i=ynlength+1; i<=newsize; i++) { *it = *(it-1) + 1 / cln::cl_N(i) * one; it++; } for (int n=1; n::iterator it = Yn[n].begin(); std::vector::iterator itprev = Yn[n-1].begin(); it += ynlength; itprev += ynlength; for (int i=ynlength+n+1; i<=newsize+n; i++) { *it = *(it-1) + (*itprev) / cln::cl_N(i) * one; it++; itprev++; } } ynlength = newsize; } // helper function for S(n,p,x) // [Kol] (7.2) cln::cl_N C(int n, int p) { cln::cl_N result; for (int k=0; k ynsize+1) { for (int i=ynsize; i= ynlength) { // make Yn longer make_Yn_longer(ynlength*2, prec); } res = res + factor / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(i),n+1) * Yn[p-2][i-p]; // should we check it? or rely on magic number? ... //res = res + factor / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(i),n+1) * (*it); // should we check it? or rely on magic number? ... factor = factor * xf; i++; } while (res != resbuf); return res; } // helper function for S(n,p,x) cln::cl_N S_projection(int n, int p, const cln::cl_N& x, const cln::float_format_t& prec) { // [Kol] (5.3) if (cln::abs(cln::realpart(x)) > cln::cl_F("0.5")) { cln::cl_N result = cln::expt(cln::cl_I(-1),p) * cln::expt(cln::log(x),n) * cln::expt(cln::log(1-x),p) / cln::factorial(n) / cln::factorial(p); for (int s=0; s(cln::realpart(value))); else if (!x.imag().is_rational()) prec = cln::float_format(cln::the(cln::imagpart(value))); // [Kol] (5.3) if (cln::realpart(value) < -0.5) { cln::cl_N result = cln::expt(cln::cl_I(-1),p) * cln::expt(cln::log(value),n) * cln::expt(cln::log(1-value),p) / cln::factorial(n) / cln::factorial(p); for (int s=0; s 1) { cln::cl_N result; for (int s=0; s(x1).to_int(), ex_to(x2).to_int(), ex_to(x3)); } return S(x1,x2,x3).hold(); } static ex S_evalf(const ex& x1, const ex& x2, const ex& x3) { if (is_a(x1) && is_a(x2) && is_a(x3)) { return S_num(ex_to(x1).to_int(), ex_to(x2).to_int(), ex_to(x3)); } return S(x1,x2,x3).hold(); } static ex S_series(const ex& x1, const ex& x2, const ex& x3, const relational& rel, int order, unsigned options) { epvector seq; seq.push_back(expair(S(x1,x2,x3), 0)); return pseries(rel,seq); } static ex S_deriv(const ex& x1, const ex& x2, const ex& x3, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param < 3); if (deriv_param < 2) { return _ex0; } if (x1 > 0) { return S(x1-1, x2, x3) / x3; } else { return S(x1, x2-1, x3) / (1-x3); } } REGISTER_FUNCTION(S, eval_func(S_eval). evalf_func(S_evalf). do_not_evalf_params(). series_func(S_series). derivative_func(S_deriv)); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Harmonic polylogarithm H(m,x) and H(m,s,x) // // helper function // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // anonymous namespace for helper functions namespace { // forward declaration ex convert_from_RV(const lst& parameterlst, const ex& arg); // multiplies an one-dimensional H with another H // [ReV] (18) ex trafo_H_mult(const ex& h1, const ex& h2) { ex res; ex hshort; lst hlong; ex h1nops = h1.op(0).nops(); ex h2nops = h2.op(0).nops(); if (h1nops > 1) { hshort = h2.op(0).op(0); hlong = ex_to(h1.op(0)); } else { hshort = h1.op(0).op(0); if (h2nops > 1) { hlong = ex_to(h2.op(0)); } else { hlong = h2.op(0).op(0); } } for (int i=0; i<=hlong.nops(); i++) { lst newparameter; int j=0; for (; j(e)) { return e.map(*this); } if (is_a(e)) { ex result = 1; ex firstH; lst Hlst; for (int pos=0; pos(e.op(pos)) && is_a(e.op(pos).op(0))) { std::string name = ex_to(e.op(pos).op(0)).get_name(); if (name == "H") { for (ex i=0; i(e.op(pos))) { std::string name = ex_to(e.op(pos)).get_name(); if (name == "H") { if (e.op(pos).op(0).nops() > 1) { firstH = e.op(pos); } else { Hlst.append(e.op(pos)); } continue; } } result *= e.op(pos); } if (firstH == 0) { if (Hlst.nops() > 0) { firstH = Hlst[Hlst.nops()-1]; Hlst.remove_last(); } else { return e; } } if (Hlst.nops() > 0) { ex buffer = trafo_H_mult(firstH, Hlst.op(0)); result *= buffer; for (int i=1; i(e)) { name = ex_to(e).get_name(); } if (name == "H") { h = e; } else { for (int i=0; i(e.op(i))) { std::string name = ex_to(e.op(i)).get_name(); if (name == "H") { h = e.op(i); } } } } if (h != 0) { lst newparameter = ex_to(h.op(0)); newparameter.prepend(1); return e.subs(h == H(newparameter, h.op(1)).hold()); } else { return e * H(lst(1),1-arg).hold(); } } // do integration [ReV] (55) // put parameter 0 in front of existing parameters ex trafo_H_prepend_zero(const ex& e, const ex& arg) { ex h; std::string name; if (is_a(e)) { name = ex_to(e).get_name(); } if (name == "H") { h = e; } else { for (int i=0; i(e.op(i))) { std::string name = ex_to(e.op(i)).get_name(); if (name == "H") { h = e.op(i); } } } } if (h != 0) { lst newparameter = ex_to(h.op(0)); newparameter.prepend(0); ex addzeta = convert_from_RV(newparameter, 1).subs(H(wild(1),wild(2))==zeta(wild(1))); return e.subs(h == (addzeta-H(newparameter, h.op(1)).hold())).expand(); } else { return e * (-H(lst(0),1/arg).hold()); } } // do x -> 1-x transformation struct map_trafo_H_1mx : public map_function { ex operator()(const ex& e) { if (is_a(e) || is_a(e)) { return e.map(*this); } if (is_a(e)) { std::string name = ex_to(e).get_name(); if (name == "H") { lst parameter = ex_to(e.op(0)); ex arg = e.op(1); // if all parameters are either zero or one return the transformed function if (find(parameter.begin(), parameter.end(), 0) == parameter.end()) { lst newparameter; for (int i=parameter.nops(); i>0; i--) { newparameter.append(0); } return pow(-1, parameter.nops()) * H(newparameter, 1-arg).hold(); } else if (find(parameter.begin(), parameter.end(), 1) == parameter.end()) { lst newparameter; for (int i=parameter.nops(); i>0; i--) { newparameter.append(1); } return pow(-1, parameter.nops()) * H(newparameter, 1-arg).hold(); } lst newparameter = parameter; newparameter.remove_first(); if (parameter.op(0) == 0) { // leading zero ex res = convert_from_RV(parameter, 1).subs(H(wild(1),wild(2))==zeta(wild(1))); map_trafo_H_1mx recursion; ex buffer = recursion(H(newparameter, arg).hold()); if (is_a(buffer)) { for (int i=0; i 1/x transformation struct map_trafo_H_1overx : public map_function { ex operator()(const ex& e) { if (is_a(e) || is_a(e)) { return e.map(*this); } if (is_a(e)) { std::string name = ex_to(e).get_name(); if (name == "H") { lst parameter = ex_to(e.op(0)); ex arg = e.op(1); // if all parameters are either zero or one return the transformed function if (find(parameter.begin(), parameter.end(), 0) == parameter.end()) { map_trafo_H_mult unify; return unify((pow(H(lst(1),1/arg).hold() + H(lst(0),1/arg).hold() - I*Pi, parameter.nops()) / factorial(parameter.nops())).expand()); } else if (find(parameter.begin(), parameter.end(), 1) == parameter.end()) { return pow(-1, parameter.nops()) * H(parameter, 1/arg).hold(); } lst newparameter = parameter; newparameter.remove_first(); if (parameter.op(0) == 0) { // leading zero ex res = convert_from_RV(parameter, 1).subs(H(wild(1),wild(2))==zeta(wild(1))); map_trafo_H_1overx recursion; ex buffer = recursion(H(newparameter, arg).hold()); if (is_a(buffer)) { for (int i=0; i(e) || is_a(e)) { return e.map(*this); } if (is_a(e)) { std::string name = ex_to(e).get_name(); if (name == "H") { lst parameter; if (is_a(e.op(0))) { parameter = ex_to(e.op(0)); } else { parameter = lst(e.op(0)); } ex arg = e.op(1); if (parameter.op(parameter.nops()-1) == 0) { // if (parameter.nops() == 1) { return log(arg); } // lst::const_iterator it = parameter.begin(); while ((it != parameter.end()) && (*it == 0)) { it++; } if (it == parameter.end()) { return pow(log(arg),parameter.nops()) / factorial(parameter.nops()); } // parameter.remove_last(); int lastentry = parameter.nops(); while ((lastentry > 0) && (parameter[lastentry-1] == 0)) { lastentry--; } // ex result = log(arg) * H(parameter,arg).hold(); for (ex i=0; i 0) { parameter[i]++; result -= (parameter[i]-1) * H(parameter, arg).hold(); parameter[i]--; } else { parameter[i]--; result -= abs(parameter[i]+1) * H(parameter, arg).hold(); parameter[i]++; } } if (lastentry < parameter.nops()) { result = result / (parameter.nops()-lastentry+1); return result.map(*this); } else { return result; } } } } return e; } }; // transform H(m,x) with signed m to H(m,s,x) struct map_trafo_H_convert_signed_m : public map_function { ex operator()(const ex& e) { if (is_a(e) || is_a(e)) { return e.map(*this); } if (is_a(e)) { std::string name = ex_to(e).get_name(); if (name == "H") { lst parameter; if (is_a(e.op(0))) { parameter = ex_to(e.op(0)); } else { parameter = lst(e.op(0)); } ex arg = e.op(1); bool signedflag = false; for (int i=0; i 0) { signs.append(1); } else { signs.append(-1); parameter.let_op(i) = -parameter.op(i); } } return H(parameter, signs, arg).hold(); } } } return e; } }; // recursively call convert_from_RV on expression struct map_trafo_H_convert : public map_function { ex operator()(const ex& e) { if (is_a(e) || is_a(e) || is_a(e)) { return e.map(*this); } if (is_a(e)) { std::string name = ex_to(e).get_name(); if (name == "H") { lst parameter = ex_to(e.op(0)); ex arg = e.op(1); return convert_from_RV(parameter, arg); } } return e; } }; // translate notation from nested sums to Remiddi/Vermaseren lst convert_to_RV(const lst& o) { lst res; for (lst::const_iterator it = o.begin(); it != o.end(); it++) { if (*it > 0) { for (ex i=0; i<(*it)-1; i++) { res.append(0); } res.append(1); } else { for (ex i=0; i<(-*it)-1; i++) { res.append(0); } res.append(-1); } } return res; } // translate notation from Remiddi/Vermaseren to nested sums ex convert_from_RV(const lst& parameterlst, const ex& arg) { lst newparameterlst; lst::const_iterator it = parameterlst.begin(); int count = 1; while (it != parameterlst.end()) { if (*it == 0) { count++; } else { newparameterlst.append((*it>0) ? count : -count); count = 1; } it++; } for (int i=1; i& m, const cln::cl_N& x) { const int j = m.size(); std::vector t(j); cln::cl_F one = cln::cl_float(1, cln::float_format(Digits)); cln::cl_N factor = cln::expt(x, j) * one; cln::cl_N t0buf; int q = 0; do { t0buf = t[0]; q++; t[j-1] = t[j-1] + 1 / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(q),m[j-1]); for (int k=j-2; k>=1; k--) { t[k] = t[k] + t[k+1] / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(q+j-1-k), m[k]); } t[0] = t[0] + t[1] * factor / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(q+j-1), m[0]); factor = factor * x; } while (t[0] != t0buf); return t[0]; } } // end of anonymous namespace ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Harmonic polylogarithm H(m,x) // // GiNaC function // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static ex H2_eval(const ex& x1, const ex& x2) { if (x2 == 0) { return 0; } if (x2 == 1) { return zeta(x1); } if (x1.nops() == 1) { return Li(x1.op(0), x2); } if (x2.info(info_flags::numeric) && (!x2.info(info_flags::crational))) { return H(x1,x2).evalf(); } return H(x1,x2).hold(); } static ex H2_evalf(const ex& x1, const ex& x2) { if (is_a(x1) && is_a(x2)) { for (int i=0; i(x2).to_cl_N(); if (x == 1) { return zeta(x1).evalf(); } // choose trafo if (cln::abs(x) > 1) { symbol xtemp("xtemp"); map_trafo_H_1overx trafo; ex res = trafo(H(convert_to_RV(ex_to(x1)), xtemp)); map_trafo_H_convert converter; res = converter(res); return res.subs(xtemp==x2).evalf(); } // since the x->1-x transformation produces a lot of terms, it is only // efficient for argument near one. if (cln::realpart(x) > 0.95) { symbol xtemp("xtemp"); map_trafo_H_1mx trafo; ex res = trafo(H(convert_to_RV(ex_to(x1)), xtemp)); map_trafo_H_convert converter; res = converter(res); return res.subs(xtemp==x2).evalf(); } // no trafo -> do summation int count = x1.nops(); std::vector r(count); for (int i=0; i(x1.op(i)).to_int(); } return numeric(H_do_sum(r,x)); } return H(x1,x2).hold(); } static ex H2_series(const ex& x1, const ex& x2, const relational& rel, int order, unsigned options) { epvector seq; seq.push_back(expair(H(x1,x2), 0)); return pseries(rel,seq); } static ex H2_deriv(const ex& x1, const ex& x2, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param < 2); if (deriv_param == 0) { return _ex0; } if (is_a(x1)) { lst newparameter = ex_to(x1); if (x1.op(0) == 1) { newparameter.remove_first(); return 1/(1-x2) * H(newparameter, x2); } else { newparameter[0]--; return H(newparameter, x2).hold() / x2; } } else { if (x1 == 1) { return 1/(1-x2); } else { return H(x1-1, x2).hold() / x2; } } } unsigned H2_SERIAL::serial = function::register_new(function_options("H"). eval_func(H2_eval). evalf_func(H2_evalf). do_not_evalf_params(). derivative_func(H2_deriv). latex_name("\\mbox{H}"). overloaded(2)); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Harmonic polylogarithm H(m,s,x) // // GiNaC function // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static ex H3_eval(const ex& x1, const ex& x2, const ex& x3) { if (x3 == 0) { return 0; } if (x3 == 1) { return zeta(x1, x2); } if (x3.info(info_flags::numeric) && (!x3.info(info_flags::crational))) { return H(x1, x2, x3).evalf(); } return H(x1, x2, x3).hold(); } static ex H3_evalf(const ex& x1, const ex& x2, const ex& x3) { if (is_a(x1) && is_a(x3)) { for (int i=0; i(x3).to_cl_N(); if (x == 1) { return zeta(x1, x2).evalf(); } // choose trafo if (cln::abs(x) > 1) { //TODO return H(x1, x2, x3).hold(); // symbol xtemp("xtemp"); // lst para = ex_to(x1); // for (int i=0; i1-x transformation produces a lot of terms, it is only // // efficient for argument near one. // if (cln::realpart(x) > 0.95) { // symbol xtemp("xtemp"); // map_trafo_H_1mx trafo; // ex res = trafo(H(convert_to_RV(ex_to(x1)), xtemp)); // map_trafo_H_convert converter; // res = converter(res); // return res.subs(xtemp==x2).evalf(); // } // no trafo -> do summation int count = x1.nops(); std::vector m(count); std::vector s(count); cln::cl_N signbuf = 1; for (int i=0; i(x1.op(i)).to_int(); signbuf = signbuf * ex_to(x2.op(i)).to_cl_N(); s[i] = signbuf; } s[0] = s[0] * ex_to(x3).to_cl_N(); return numeric(signbuf * multipleLi_do_sum(m, s)); } return H(x1, x2, x3).hold(); } static ex H3_series(const ex& x1, const ex& x2, const ex& x3, const relational& rel, int order, unsigned options) { epvector seq; seq.push_back(expair(H(x1, x2, x3), 0)); return pseries(rel, seq); } static ex H3_deriv(const ex& x1, const ex& x2, const ex& x3, unsigned deriv_param) { //TODO GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param < 2); if (deriv_param == 0) { return _ex0; } if (is_a(x1)) { lst newparameter = ex_to(x1); if (x1.op(0) == 1) { newparameter.remove_first(); return 1/(1-x2) * H(newparameter, x2); } else { newparameter[0]--; return H(newparameter, x2).hold() / x2; } } else { if (x1 == 1) { return 1/(1-x2); } else { return H(x1-1, x2).hold() / x2; } } } unsigned H3_SERIAL::serial = function::register_new(function_options("H"). eval_func(H3_eval). evalf_func(H3_evalf). do_not_evalf_params(). derivative_func(H3_deriv). latex_name("\\mbox{H}"). overloaded(2)); ex convert_H_notation(const ex& parameterlst, const ex& arg) { if (is_a(parameterlst)) { for (int i=0; i(parameterlst), arg).eval(); } if (parameterlst == 1) { return -log(1-arg); } if (parameterlst == 0) { return log(arg); } if (parameterlst == -1) { return log(1+arg); } throw std::runtime_error("first parameter has to be a list containing only 0, 1 or -1!"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Multiple zeta values zeta(x) and zeta(x,s) // // helper functions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // anonymous namespace for helper functions namespace { // parameters and data for [Cra] algorithm const cln::cl_N lambda = cln::cl_N("319/320"); int L1; int L2; std::vector > f_kj; std::vector crB; std::vector > crG; std::vector crX; void halfcyclic_convolute(const std::vector& a, const std::vector& b, std::vector& c) { const int size = a.size(); for (int n=0; n& s) { const int k = s.size(); crX.clear(); crG.clear(); crB.clear(); for (int i=0; i<=L2; i++) { crB.push_back(bernoulli(i).to_cl_N() / cln::factorial(i)); } int Sm = 0; int Smp1 = 0; for (int m=0; m crGbuf; Sm = Sm + s[m]; Smp1 = Sm + s[m+1]; for (int i=0; i<=L2; i++) { crGbuf.push_back(cln::factorial(i + Sm - m - 2) / cln::factorial(i + Smp1 - m - 2)); } crG.push_back(crGbuf); } crX = crB; for (int m=0; m Xbuf; for (int i=0; i<=L2; i++) { Xbuf.push_back(crX[i] * crG[m][i]); } halfcyclic_convolute(Xbuf, crB, crX); } } // [Cra] section 4 cln::cl_N crandall_Y_loop(const cln::cl_N& Sqk) { cln::cl_F one = cln::cl_float(1, cln::float_format(Digits)); cln::cl_N factor = cln::expt(lambda, Sqk); cln::cl_N res = factor / Sqk * crX[0] * one; cln::cl_N resbuf; int N = 0; do { resbuf = res; factor = factor * lambda; N++; res = res + crX[N] * factor / (N+Sqk); } while ((res != resbuf) || cln::zerop(crX[N])); return res; } // [Cra] section 4 void calc_f(int maxr) { f_kj.clear(); f_kj.resize(L1); cln::cl_N t0, t1, t2, t3, t4; int i, j, k; std::vector >::iterator it = f_kj.begin(); cln::cl_F one = cln::cl_float(1, cln::float_format(Digits)); t0 = cln::exp(-lambda); t2 = 1; for (k=1; k<=L1; k++) { t1 = k * lambda; t2 = t0 * t2; for (j=1; j<=maxr; j++) { t3 = 1; t4 = 1; for (i=2; i<=j; i++) { t4 = t4 * (j-i+1); t3 = t1 * t3 + t4; } (*it).push_back(t2 * t3 * cln::expt(cln::cl_I(k),-j) * one); } it++; } } // [Cra] (3.1) cln::cl_N crandall_Z(const std::vector& s) { const int j = s.size(); if (j == 1) { cln::cl_N t0; cln::cl_N t0buf; int q = 0; do { t0buf = t0; q++; t0 = t0 + f_kj[q+j-2][s[0]-1]; } while (t0 != t0buf); return t0 / cln::factorial(s[0]-1); } std::vector t(j); cln::cl_N t0buf; int q = 0; do { t0buf = t[0]; q++; t[j-1] = t[j-1] + 1 / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(q),s[j-1]); for (int k=j-2; k>=1; k--) { t[k] = t[k] + t[k+1] / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(q+j-1-k), s[k]); } t[0] = t[0] + t[1] * f_kj[q+j-2][s[0]-1]; } while (t[0] != t0buf); return t[0] / cln::factorial(s[0]-1); } // [Cra] (2.4) cln::cl_N zeta_do_sum_Crandall(const std::vector& s) { std::vector r = s; const int j = r.size(); // decide on maximal size of f_kj for crandall_Z if (Digits < 50) { L1 = 150; } else { L1 = Digits * 3 + j*2; } // decide on maximal size of crX for crandall_Y if (Digits < 38) { L2 = 63; } else if (Digits < 86) { L2 = 127; } else if (Digits < 192) { L2 = 255; } else if (Digits < 394) { L2 = 511; } else if (Digits < 808) { L2 = 1023; } else { L2 = 2047; } cln::cl_N res; int maxr = 0; int S = 0; for (int i=0; i maxr) { maxr = r[i]; } } calc_f(maxr); const cln::cl_N r0factorial = cln::factorial(r[0]-1); std::vector rz; int skp1buf; int Srun = S; for (int k=r.size()-1; k>0; k--) { rz.insert(rz.begin(), r.back()); skp1buf = rz.front(); Srun -= skp1buf; r.pop_back(); initcX(r); for (int q=0; q& r) { const int j = r.size(); // buffer for subsums std::vector t(j); cln::cl_F one = cln::cl_float(1, cln::float_format(Digits)); cln::cl_N t0buf; int q = 0; do { t0buf = t[0]; q++; t[j-1] = t[j-1] + one / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(q),r[j-1]); for (int k=j-2; k>=0; k--) { t[k] = t[k] + one * t[k+1] / cln::expt(cln::cl_I(q+j-1-k), r[k]); } } while (t[0] != t0buf); return t[0]; } // does Hoelder convolution. see [BBB] (7.0) cln::cl_N zeta_do_Hoelder_convolution(const std::vector& m_, const std::vector& s_) { // prepare parameters // holds Li arguments in [BBB] notation std::vector s = s_; std::vector m_p = m_; std::vector m_q; // holds Li arguments in nested sums notation std::vector s_p(s.size(), cln::cl_N(1)); s_p[0] = s_p[0] * cln::cl_N("1/2"); // convert notations int sig = 1; for (int i=0; i s_q; cln::cl_N signum = 1; // first term cln::cl_N res = multipleLi_do_sum(m_p, s_p); // middle terms do { // change parameters if (s.front() > 0) { if (m_p.front() == 1) { m_p.erase(m_p.begin()); s_p.erase(s_p.begin()); if (s_p.size() > 0) { s_p.front() = s_p.front() * cln::cl_N("1/2"); } s.erase(s.begin()); m_q.front()++; } else { m_p.front()--; m_q.insert(m_q.begin(), 1); if (s_q.size() > 0) { s_q.front() = s_q.front() * 2; } s_q.insert(s_q.begin(), cln::cl_N("1/2")); } } else { if (m_p.front() == 1) { m_p.erase(m_p.begin()); cln::cl_N spbuf = s_p.front(); s_p.erase(s_p.begin()); if (s_p.size() > 0) { s_p.front() = s_p.front() * spbuf; } s.erase(s.begin()); m_q.insert(m_q.begin(), 1); if (s_q.size() > 0) { s_q.front() = s_q.front() * 4; } s_q.insert(s_q.begin(), cln::cl_N("1/4")); signum = -signum; } else { m_p.front()--; m_q.insert(m_q.begin(), 1); if (s_q.size() > 0) { s_q.front() = s_q.front() * 2; } s_q.insert(s_q.begin(), cln::cl_N("1/2")); } } // exiting the loop if (m_p.size() == 0) break; res = res + signum * multipleLi_do_sum(m_p, s_p) * multipleLi_do_sum(m_q, s_q); } while (true); // last term res = res + signum * multipleLi_do_sum(m_q, s_q); return res; } } // end of anonymous namespace ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Multiple zeta values zeta(x) // // GiNaC function // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static ex zeta1_evalf(const ex& x) { if (is_exactly_a(x) && (x.nops()>1)) { // multiple zeta value const int count = x.nops(); const lst& xlst = ex_to(x); std::vector r(count); // check parameters and convert them lst::const_iterator it1 = xlst.begin(); std::vector::iterator it2 = r.begin(); do { if (!(*it1).info(info_flags::posint)) { return zeta(x).hold(); } *it2 = ex_to(*it1).to_int(); it1++; it2++; } while (it2 != r.end()); // check for divergence if (r[0] == 1) { return zeta(x).hold(); } // decide on summation algorithm // this is still a bit clumsy int limit = (Digits>17) ? 10 : 6; if ((r[0] < limit) || ((count > 3) && (r[1] < limit/2))) { return numeric(zeta_do_sum_Crandall(r)); } else { return numeric(zeta_do_sum_simple(r)); } } // single zeta value if (is_exactly_a(x) && (x != 1)) { try { return zeta(ex_to(x)); } catch (const dunno &e) { } } return zeta(x).hold(); } static ex zeta1_eval(const ex& x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) { if (x.nops() == 1) { return zeta(x.op(0)); } return zeta(x).hold(); } if (x.info(info_flags::numeric)) { const numeric& y = ex_to(x); // trap integer arguments: if (y.is_integer()) { if (y.is_zero()) { return _ex_1_2; } if (y.is_equal(_num1)) { return zeta(x).hold(); } if (y.info(info_flags::posint)) { if (y.info(info_flags::odd)) { return zeta(x).hold(); } else { return abs(bernoulli(y)) * pow(Pi, y) * pow(_num2, y-_num1) / factorial(y); } } else { if (y.info(info_flags::odd)) { return -bernoulli(_num1-y) / (_num1-y); } else { return _ex0; } } } // zeta(float) if (y.info(info_flags::numeric) && !y.info(info_flags::crational)) return zeta1_evalf(x); } return zeta(x).hold(); } static ex zeta1_deriv(const ex& x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); if (is_exactly_a(x)) { return _ex0; } else { return zeta(_ex1, x); } } unsigned zeta1_SERIAL::serial = function::register_new(function_options("zeta"). eval_func(zeta1_eval). evalf_func(zeta1_evalf). do_not_evalf_params(). derivative_func(zeta1_deriv). latex_name("\\zeta"). overloaded(2)); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Alternating Euler sum zeta(x,s) // // GiNaC function // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static ex zeta2_evalf(const ex& x, const ex& s) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) { // alternating Euler sum const int count = x.nops(); const lst& xlst = ex_to(x); const lst& slst = ex_to(s); std::vector xi(count); std::vector si(count); // check parameters and convert them lst::const_iterator it_xread = xlst.begin(); lst::const_iterator it_sread = slst.begin(); std::vector::iterator it_xwrite = xi.begin(); std::vector::iterator it_swrite = si.begin(); do { if (!(*it_xread).info(info_flags::posint)) { return zeta(x, s).hold(); } *it_xwrite = ex_to(*it_xread).to_int(); if (*it_sread > 0) { *it_swrite = 1; } else { *it_swrite = -1; } it_xread++; it_sread++; it_xwrite++; it_swrite++; } while (it_xwrite != xi.end()); // check for divergence if ((xi[0] == 1) && (si[0] == 1)) { return zeta(x, s).hold(); } // use Hoelder convolution return numeric(zeta_do_Hoelder_convolution(xi, si)); } return zeta(x, s).hold(); } static ex zeta2_eval(const ex& x, const ex& s) { if (is_exactly_a(s)) { const lst& l = ex_to(s); lst::const_iterator it = l.begin(); while (it != l.end()) { if ((*it).info(info_flags::negative)) { return zeta(x, s).hold(); } it++; } return zeta(x); } else { if (s.info(info_flags::positive)) { return zeta(x); } } return zeta(x, s).hold(); } static ex zeta2_deriv(const ex& x, const ex& s, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); if (is_exactly_a(x)) { return _ex0; } else { if ((is_exactly_a(s) && (s.op(0) > 0)) || (s > 0)) { return zeta(_ex1, x); } return _ex0; } } unsigned zeta2_SERIAL::serial = function::register_new(function_options("zeta"). eval_func(zeta2_eval). evalf_func(zeta2_evalf). do_not_evalf_params(). derivative_func(zeta2_deriv). latex_name("\\zeta"). overloaded(2)); } // namespace GiNaC