/** @file factor.cpp * * Polynomial factorization routines. * Only univariate at the moment and completely non-optimized! */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "factor.h" #include "ex.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "operators.h" #include "inifcns.h" #include "symbol.h" #include "relational.h" #include "power.h" #include "mul.h" #include "normal.h" #include "add.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; #include using namespace cln; //#define DEBUGFACTOR #ifdef DEBUGFACTOR #include #endif // def DEBUGFACTOR namespace GiNaC { namespace { typedef vector Vec; typedef vector VecVec; #ifdef DEBUGFACTOR ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const Vec& v) { Vec::const_iterator i = v.begin(), end = v.end(); while ( i != end ) { o << *i++ << " "; } return o; } #endif // def DEBUGFACTOR #ifdef DEBUGFACTOR ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const VecVec& v) { VecVec::const_iterator i = v.begin(), end = v.end(); while ( i != end ) { o << *i++ << endl; } return o; } #endif // def DEBUGFACTOR struct Term { cl_MI c; // coefficient unsigned int exp; // exponent >=0 }; #ifdef DEBUGFACTOR ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const Term& t) { if ( t.exp ) { o << "(" << t.c << ")x^" << t.exp; } else { o << "(" << t.c << ")"; } return o; } #endif // def DEBUGFACTOR struct UniPoly { cl_modint_ring R; list terms; // highest exponent first UniPoly(const cl_modint_ring& ring) : R(ring) { } UniPoly(const cl_modint_ring& ring, const ex& poly, const ex& x) : R(ring) { // assert: poly is in Z[x] Term t; for ( int i=poly.degree(x); i>=poly.ldegree(x); --i ) { int coeff = ex_to(poly.coeff(x,i)).to_int(); if ( coeff ) { t.c = R->canonhom(coeff); if ( !zerop(t.c) ) { t.exp = i; terms.push_back(t); } } } } UniPoly(const cl_modint_ring& ring, const Vec& v) : R(ring) { Term t; for ( unsigned int i=0; i::const_iterator i = terms.begin(), end = terms.end(); for ( ; i != end; ++i ) { if ( i->exp == deg ) { return i->c; } if ( i->exp < deg ) { break; } } return R->zero(); } void set(unsigned int deg, const cl_MI& c) { list::iterator i = terms.begin(), end = terms.end(); while ( i != end ) { if ( i->exp == deg ) { if ( !zerop(c) ) { i->c = c; } else { terms.erase(i); } return; } if ( i->exp < deg ) { break; } ++i; } if ( !zerop(c) ) { Term t; t.c = c; t.exp = deg; terms.insert(i, t); } } ex to_ex(const ex& x, bool symmetric = true) const { ex r; list::const_iterator i = terms.begin(), end = terms.end(); if ( symmetric ) { numeric mod(R->modulus); numeric halfmod = (mod-1)/2; for ( ; i != end; ++i ) { numeric n(R->retract(i->c)); if ( n > halfmod ) { r += pow(x, i->exp) * (n-mod); } else { r += pow(x, i->exp) * n; } } } else { for ( ; i != end; ++i ) { r += pow(x, i->exp) * numeric(R->retract(i->c)); } } return r; } void unit_normal() { if ( terms.size() ) { if ( terms.front().c != R->one() ) { list::iterator i = terms.begin(), end = terms.end(); cl_MI cont = i->c; i->c = R->one(); while ( ++i != end ) { i->c = div(i->c, cont); if ( zerop(i->c) ) { terms.erase(i); } } } } } cl_MI unit() const { return terms.front().c; } void divide(const cl_MI& x) { list::iterator i = terms.begin(), end = terms.end(); for ( ; i != end; ++i ) { i->c = div(i->c, x); if ( zerop(i->c) ) { terms.erase(i); } } } void reduce_exponents(unsigned int prime) { list::iterator i = terms.begin(), end = terms.end(); while ( i != end ) { if ( i->exp > 0 ) { // assert: i->exp is multiple of prime i->exp /= prime; } ++i; } } void deriv(UniPoly& d) const { list::const_iterator i = terms.begin(), end = terms.end(); while ( i != end ) { if ( i->exp ) { cl_MI newc = i->c * i->exp; if ( !zerop(newc) ) { Term t; t.c = newc; t.exp = i->exp-1; d.terms.push_back(t); } } ++i; } } bool operator<(const UniPoly& o) const { if ( terms.size() != o.terms.size() ) { return terms.size() < o.terms.size(); } list::const_iterator i1 = terms.begin(), end = terms.end(); list::const_iterator i2 = o.terms.begin(); while ( i1 != end ) { if ( i1->exp != i2->exp ) { return i1->exp < i2->exp; } if ( i1->c != i2->c ) { return R->retract(i1->c) < R->retract(i2->c); } ++i1; ++i2; } return true; } bool operator==(const UniPoly& o) const { if ( terms.size() != o.terms.size() ) { return false; } list::const_iterator i1 = terms.begin(), end = terms.end(); list::const_iterator i2 = o.terms.begin(); while ( i1 != end ) { if ( i1->exp != i2->exp ) { return false; } if ( i1->c != i2->c ) { return false; } ++i1; ++i2; } return true; } bool operator!=(const UniPoly& o) const { bool res = !(*this == o); return res; } }; static UniPoly operator*(const UniPoly& a, const UniPoly& b) { unsigned int n = a.degree()+b.degree(); UniPoly c(a.R); Term t; for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<=n; ++i ) { t.c = a.R->zero(); for ( unsigned int j=0 ; j<=i; ++j ) { t.c = t.c + a[j] * b[i-j]; } if ( !zerop(t.c) ) { t.exp = i; c.terms.push_front(t); } } return c; } static UniPoly operator-(const UniPoly& a, const UniPoly& b) { list::const_iterator ia = a.terms.begin(), aend = a.terms.end(); list::const_iterator ib = b.terms.begin(), bend = b.terms.end(); UniPoly c(a.R); while ( ia != aend && ib != bend ) { if ( ia->exp > ib->exp ) { c.terms.push_back(*ia); ++ia; } else if ( ia->exp < ib->exp ) { c.terms.push_back(*ib); c.terms.back().c = -c.terms.back().c; ++ib; } else { Term t; t.exp = ia->exp; t.c = ia->c - ib->c; if ( !zerop(t.c) ) { c.terms.push_back(t); } ++ia; ++ib; } } while ( ia != aend ) { c.terms.push_back(*ia); ++ia; } while ( ib != bend ) { c.terms.push_back(*ib); c.terms.back().c = -c.terms.back().c; ++ib; } return c; } static UniPoly operator-(const UniPoly& a) { list::const_iterator ia = a.terms.begin(), aend = a.terms.end(); UniPoly c(a.R); while ( ia != aend ) { c.terms.push_back(*ia); c.terms.back().c = -c.terms.back().c; ++ia; } return c; } #ifdef DEBUGFACTOR ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const UniPoly& t) { list::const_iterator i = t.terms.begin(), end = t.terms.end(); if ( i == end ) { o << "0"; return o; } for ( ; i != end; ) { o << *i++; if ( i != end ) { o << " + "; } } return o; } #endif // def DEBUGFACTOR #ifdef DEBUGFACTOR ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const list& t) { list::const_iterator i = t.begin(), end = t.end(); o << "{" << endl; for ( ; i != end; ) { o << *i++ << endl; } o << "}" << endl; return o; } #endif // def DEBUGFACTOR typedef vector UniPolyVec; struct UniFactor { UniPoly p; unsigned int exp; UniFactor(const cl_modint_ring& ring) : p(ring) { } UniFactor(const UniPoly& p_, unsigned int exp_) : p(p_), exp(exp_) { } bool operator<(const UniFactor& o) const { return p < o.p; } }; struct UniFactorVec { vector factors; void unique() { sort(factors.begin(), factors.end()); if ( factors.size() > 1 ) { vector::iterator i = factors.begin(); vector::const_iterator cmp = factors.begin()+1; vector::iterator end = factors.end(); while ( cmp != end ) { if ( i->p != cmp->p ) { ++i; ++cmp; } else { i->exp += cmp->exp; ++cmp; } } if ( i != end-1 ) { factors.erase(i+1, end); } } } }; #ifdef DEBUGFACTOR ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const UniFactorVec& ufv) { for ( size_t i=0; i::iterator i = c.terms.begin(), end = c.terms.end(); while ( i != end ) { if ( i->exp <= n-1 ) { break; } ++i; } c.terms.erase(c.terms.begin(), i); } static void div(const UniPoly& a_, const UniPoly& b, UniPoly& q) { if ( a_.degree() < b.degree() ) { q.terms.clear(); return; } unsigned int k, n; n = b.degree(); k = a_.degree() - n; UniPoly c = a_; Term termbuf; while ( true ) { cl_MI qk = div(c[n+k], b[n]); if ( !zerop(qk) ) { Term t; t.c = qk; t.exp = k; q.terms.push_back(t); unsigned int j; for ( unsigned int i=0; ione() ) { return true; } return false; } static void sqrfree_main(const UniPoly& a, UniFactorVec& fvec) { unsigned int i = 1; UniPoly b(a.R); a.deriv(b); if ( !b.zero() ) { UniPoly c(a.R), w(a.R); gcd(a, b, c); div(a, c, w); while ( !is_one(w) ) { UniPoly y(a.R), z(a.R); gcd(w, c, y); div(w, y, z); if ( !is_one(z) ) { UniFactor uf(z, i++); fvec.factors.push_back(uf); } w = y; UniPoly cbuf(a.R); div(c, y, cbuf); c = cbuf; } if ( !is_one(c) ) { unsigned int prime = cl_I_to_uint(c.R->modulus); c.reduce_exponents(prime); unsigned int pos = fvec.factors.size(); sqrfree_main(c, fvec); for ( unsigned int p=pos; pmodulus); UniPoly amod = a; amod.reduce_exponents(prime); unsigned int pos = fvec.factors.size(); sqrfree_main(amod, fvec); for ( unsigned int p=pos; p& newrow) { Vec::iterator i1 = m.begin() + row*c; Vec::const_iterator i2 = newrow.begin(), end = newrow.end(); for ( ; i2 != end; ++i1, ++i2 ) { *i1 = *i2; } } Vec::const_iterator row_begin(size_t row) const { return m.begin()+row*c; } Vec::const_iterator row_end(size_t row) const { return m.begin()+row*c+r; } private: size_t r, c; Vec m; }; #ifdef DEBUGFACTOR ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const Matrix& m) { vector::const_iterator i = m.m.begin(), end = m.m.end(); size_t wrap = 1; for ( ; i != end; ++i ) { o << *i << " "; if ( !(wrap++ % m.c) ) { o << endl; } } o << endl; return o; } #endif // def DEBUGFACTOR static void q_matrix(const UniPoly& a, Matrix& Q) { unsigned int n = a.degree(); unsigned int q = cl_I_to_uint(a.R->modulus); vector r(n, a.R->zero()); r[0] = a.R->one(); Q.set_row(0, r); unsigned int max = (n-1) * q; for ( size_t m=1; m<=max; ++m ) { cl_MI rn_1 = r.back(); for ( size_t i=n-1; i>0; --i ) { r[i] = r[i-1] - rn_1 * a[i]; } r[0] = -rn_1 * a[0]; if ( (m % q) == 0 ) { Q.set_row(m/q, r); } } } static void nullspace(Matrix& M, vector& basis) { const size_t n = M.rowsize(); const cl_MI one = M(0,0).ring()->one(); for ( size_t i=0; i r ) { M.switch_col(cc, r); } break; } } if ( cc < n ) { M.mul_col(r, recip(M(r,r))); for ( cc=0; cczero()); q_matrix(a, Q); VecVec nu; nullspace(Q, nu); const unsigned int k = nu.size(); if ( k == 1 ) { return; } list factors; factors.push_back(a); unsigned int size = 1; unsigned int r = 1; unsigned int q = cl_I_to_uint(a.R->modulus); list::iterator u = factors.begin(); while ( true ) { for ( unsigned int s=0; s::const_iterator i = factors.begin(), end = factors.end(); while ( i != end ) { upv.push_back(*i++); } return; } if ( u->degree() < nur.degree() ) { break; } } } if ( ++r == k ) { r = 1; ++u; } } } static void factor_modular(const UniPoly& p, UniPolyVec& upv) { berlekamp(p, upv); return; } static void exteuclid(const UniPoly& a, const UniPoly& b, UniPoly& g, UniPoly& s, UniPoly& t) { if ( a.degree() < b.degree() ) { exteuclid(b, a, g, t, s); return; } UniPoly c1(a.R), c2(a.R), d1(a.R), d2(a.R), q(a.R), r(a.R), r1(a.R), r2(a.R); UniPoly c = a; c.unit_normal(); UniPoly d = b; d.unit_normal(); c1.set(0, a.R->one()); d2.set(0, a.R->one()); while ( !d.zero() ) { q.terms.clear(); div(c, d, q); r = c - q * d; r1 = c1 - q * d1; r2 = c2 - q * d2; c = d; c1 = d1; c2 = d2; d = r; d1 = r1; d2 = r2; } g = c; g.unit_normal(); s = c1; s.divide(a.unit()); s.divide(c.unit()); t = c2; t.divide(b.unit()); t.divide(c.unit()); } static ex replace_lc(const ex& poly, const ex& x, const ex& lc) { ex r = expand(poly + (lc - poly.lcoeff(x)) * pow(x, poly.degree(x))); return r; } static ex hensel_univar(const ex& a_, const ex& x, unsigned int p, const UniPoly& u1_, const UniPoly& w1_, const ex& gamma_ = 0) { ex a = a_; const cl_modint_ring& R = u1_.R; // calc bound B ex maxcoeff; for ( int i=a.degree(x); i>=a.ldegree(x); --i ) { maxcoeff += pow(abs(a.coeff(x, i)),2); } cl_I normmc = ceiling1(the(cln::sqrt(ex_to(maxcoeff).to_cl_N()))); unsigned int maxdegree = (u1_.degree() > w1_.degree()) ? u1_.degree() : w1_.degree(); unsigned int B = cl_I_to_uint(normmc * expt_pos(cl_I(2), maxdegree)); // step 1 ex alpha = a.lcoeff(x); ex gamma = gamma_; if ( gamma == 0 ) { gamma = alpha; } unsigned int gamma_ui = ex_to(abs(gamma)).to_int(); a = a * gamma; UniPoly nu1 = u1_; nu1.unit_normal(); UniPoly nw1 = w1_; nw1.unit_normal(); ex phi; phi = expand(gamma * nu1.to_ex(x)); UniPoly u1(R, phi, x); phi = expand(alpha * nw1.to_ex(x)); UniPoly w1(R, phi, x); // step 2 UniPoly s(R), t(R), g(R); exteuclid(u1, w1, g, s, t); // step 3 ex u = replace_lc(u1.to_ex(x), x, gamma); ex w = replace_lc(w1.to_ex(x), x, alpha); ex e = expand(a - u * w); unsigned int modulus = p; // step 4 while ( !e.is_zero() && modulus < 2*B*gamma_ui ) { ex c = e / modulus; phi = expand(s.to_ex(x)*c); UniPoly sigmatilde(R, phi, x); phi = expand(t.to_ex(x)*c); UniPoly tautilde(R, phi, x); UniPoly q(R), r(R); div(sigmatilde, w1, q); rem(sigmatilde, w1, r); UniPoly sigma = r; phi = expand(tautilde.to_ex(x) + q.to_ex(x) * u1.to_ex(x)); UniPoly tau(R, phi, x); u = expand(u + tau.to_ex(x) * modulus); w = expand(w + sigma.to_ex(x) * modulus); e = expand(a - u * w); modulus = modulus * p; } // step 5 if ( e.is_zero() ) { ex delta = u.content(x); u = u / delta; w = w / gamma * delta; return lst(u, w); } else { return lst(); } } static unsigned int next_prime(unsigned int p) { static vector primes; if ( primes.size() == 0 ) { primes.push_back(3); primes.push_back(5); primes.push_back(7); } vector::const_iterator it = primes.begin(); if ( p >= primes.back() ) { unsigned int candidate = primes.back() + 2; while ( true ) { size_t n = primes.size()/2; for ( size_t i=0; i p ) break; } return candidate; } vector::const_iterator end = primes.end(); for ( ; it!=end; ++it ) { if ( *it > p ) { return *it; } } throw logic_error("next_prime: should not reach this point!"); } class Partition { public: Partition(size_t n_) : n(n_) { k.resize(n, 1); k[0] = 0; sum = n-1; } int operator[](size_t i) const { return k[i]; } size_t size() const { return n; } size_t size_first() const { return n-sum; } size_t size_second() const { return sum; } bool next() { for ( size_t i=n-1; i>=1; --i ) { if ( k[i] ) { --k[i]; --sum; return sum > 0; } ++k[i]; ++sum; } return false; } private: size_t n, sum; vector k; }; static void split(const UniPolyVec& factors, const Partition& part, UniPoly& a, UniPoly& b) { a.set(0, a.R->one()); b.set(0, a.R->one()); for ( size_t i=0; i(prim.lcoeff(x)), p) != 0 ) { UniPoly modpoly(R, prim, x); UniFactorVec sqrfree_ufv; squarefree(modpoly, sqrfree_ufv); if ( sqrfree_ufv.factors.size() == 1 ) break; } p = next_prime(p); R = find_modint_ring(p); } // do modular factorization UniPoly modpoly(R, prim, x); UniPolyVec factors; factor_modular(modpoly, factors); if ( factors.size() <= 1 ) { // irreducible for sure return poly; } // lift all factor combinations stack tocheck; ModFactors mf; mf.poly = prim; mf.factors = factors; tocheck.push(mf); ex result = 1; while ( tocheck.size() ) { const size_t n = tocheck.top().factors.size(); Partition part(n); while ( true ) { UniPoly a(R), b(R); split(tocheck.top().factors, part, a, b); ex answer = hensel_univar(tocheck.top().poly, x, p, a, b); if ( answer != lst() ) { if ( part.size_first() == 1 ) { if ( part.size_second() == 1 ) { result *= answer.op(0) * answer.op(1); tocheck.pop(); break; } result *= answer.op(0); tocheck.top().poly = answer.op(1); for ( size_t i=0; i(e) ) { syms.insert(e); return e; } return e.map(*this); } }; static ex factor_sqrfree(const ex& poly) { // determine all symbols in poly FindSymbolsMap findsymbols; findsymbols(poly); if ( findsymbols.syms.size() == 0 ) { return poly; } if ( findsymbols.syms.size() == 1 ) { const ex& x = *(findsymbols.syms.begin()); if ( poly.ldegree(x) > 0 ) { int ld = poly.ldegree(x); ex res = factor_univariate(expand(poly/pow(x, ld)), x); return res * pow(x,ld); } else { ex res = factor_univariate(poly, x); return res; } } // multivariate case not yet implemented! throw runtime_error("multivariate case not yet implemented!"); } } // anonymous namespace ex factor(const ex& poly) { // determine all symbols in poly FindSymbolsMap findsymbols; findsymbols(poly); if ( findsymbols.syms.size() == 0 ) { return poly; } lst syms; exset::const_iterator i=findsymbols.syms.begin(), end=findsymbols.syms.end(); for ( ; i!=end; ++i ) { syms.append(*i); } // make poly square free ex sfpoly = sqrfree(poly, syms); // factorize the square free components if ( is_a(sfpoly) ) { // case: (polynomial)^exponent const ex& base = sfpoly.op(0); if ( !is_a(base) ) { // simple case: (monomial)^exponent return sfpoly; } ex f = factor_sqrfree(base); return pow(f, sfpoly.op(1)); } if ( is_a(sfpoly) ) { ex res = 1; for ( size_t i=0; i(t) ) { const ex& base = t.op(0); if ( !is_a(base) ) { res *= t; } else { ex f = factor_sqrfree(base); res *= pow(f, t.op(1)); } } else if ( is_a(t) ) { ex f = factor_sqrfree(t); res *= f; } else { res *= t; } } return res; } // case: (polynomial) ex f = factor_sqrfree(sfpoly); return f; } } // namespace GiNaC