/** @file ex.cpp * * Implementation of GiNaC's light-weight expression handles. */ #include #include "ginac.h" ////////// // default constructor, destructor, copy constructor assignment operator and helpers ////////// // public #ifndef INLINE_EX_CONSTRUCTORS ex::ex() : bp(exZERO().bp) { debugmsg("ex default constructor",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT); ASSERT(exZERO().bp!=0); ASSERT(exZERO().bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); ASSERT(bp!=0); ++bp->refcount; } ex::~ex() { debugmsg("ex destructor",LOGLEVEL_DESTRUCT); ASSERT(bp!=0); ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); if (--bp->refcount == 0) { delete bp; } } ex::ex(ex const & other) : bp(other.bp) { debugmsg("ex copy constructor",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT); ASSERT(bp!=0); ASSERT((bp->flags) & status_flags::dynallocated); ++bp->refcount; } ex const & ex::operator=(ex const & other) { debugmsg("ex operator=",LOGLEVEL_ASSIGNMENT); ASSERT(bp!=0); ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); ASSERT(other.bp!=0); ASSERT(other.bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); ++other.bp->refcount; basic * tmpbp=other.bp; if (--bp->refcount==0) { delete bp; } bp=tmpbp; return *this; } #endif // ndef INLINE_EX_CONSTRUCTORS ////////// // other constructors ////////// // public #ifndef INLINE_EX_CONSTRUCTORS ex::ex(basic const & other) { debugmsg("ex constructor from basic",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT); construct_from_basic(other); } #endif ex::ex(int const i) { debugmsg("ex constructor from int",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT); construct_from_basic(numeric(i)); } ex::ex(unsigned int const i) { debugmsg("ex constructor from unsigned int",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT); construct_from_basic(numeric(i)); } ex::ex(long const i) { debugmsg("ex constructor from long",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT); construct_from_basic(numeric(i)); } ex::ex(unsigned long const i) { debugmsg("ex constructor from unsigned long",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT); construct_from_basic(numeric(i)); } ex::ex(double const d) { debugmsg("ex constructor from double",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT); construct_from_basic(numeric(d)); } ////////// // functions overriding virtual functions from bases classes ////////// // none ////////// // new virtual functions which can be overridden by derived classes ////////// // none ////////// // non-virtual functions in this class ////////// // public void ex::swap(ex & other) { debugmsg("ex swap",LOGLEVEL_MEMBER_FUNCTION); ASSERT(bp!=0); ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); ASSERT(other.bp!=0); ASSERT(other.bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); basic * tmpbp=bp; bp=other.bp; other.bp=tmpbp; } bool ex::info(unsigned inf) const { if (inf == info_flags::normal_form) { // Polynomials are in normal form if (info(info_flags::polynomial)) return true; // polynomial^(-int) is in normal form if (is_ex_exactly_of_type(*this, power)) return op(1).info(info_flags::negint); // polynomial^(int) * polynomial^(int) * ... is in normal form if (!is_ex_exactly_of_type(*this, mul)) return false; for (int i=0; iinfo(inf); } } int ex::nops() const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->nops(); } ex ex::expand(unsigned options) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->expand(options); } bool ex::has(ex const & other) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->has(other); } int ex::degree(symbol const & s) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->degree(s); } int ex::ldegree(symbol const & s) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->ldegree(s); } ex ex::coeff(symbol const & s, int const n) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->coeff(s,n); } ex ex::numer(bool normalize) const { ex n; if (normalize && !info(info_flags::normal_form)) n = normal(); else n = *this; // polynomial if (n.info(info_flags::polynomial)) return n; // something^(-int) if (is_ex_exactly_of_type(n, power) && n.op(1).info(info_flags::negint)) return exONE(); // something^(int) * something^(int) * ... if (!is_ex_exactly_of_type(n, mul)) return n; ex res = exONE(); for (int i=0; icollect(s); } ex ex::eval(int level) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->eval(level); } ex ex::evalf(int level) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->evalf(level); } ex ex::subs(lst const & ls, lst const & lr) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->subs(ls,lr); } ex ex::subs(ex const & e) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->subs(e); } exvector ex::get_indices(void) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->get_indices(); } ex ex::simplify_ncmul(exvector const & v) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->simplify_ncmul(v); } ex ex::operator[](ex const & index) const { debugmsg("ex operator[ex]",LOGLEVEL_OPERATOR); ASSERT(bp!=0); return (*bp)[index]; } ex ex::operator[](int const i) const { debugmsg("ex operator[int]",LOGLEVEL_OPERATOR); ASSERT(bp!=0); return (*bp)[i]; } ex ex::op(int const i) const { debugmsg("ex op()",LOGLEVEL_MEMBER_FUNCTION); ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->op(i); } ex & ex::let_op(int const i) { debugmsg("ex let_op()",LOGLEVEL_MEMBER_FUNCTION); makewriteable(); ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->let_op(i); } #ifndef INLINE_EX_CONSTRUCTORS int ex::compare(ex const & other) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); ASSERT(other.bp!=0); if (bp==other.bp) { // special case: both expression point to same basic, trivially equal return 0; } return bp->compare(*other.bp); } #endif // ndef INLINE_EX_CONSTRUCTORS #ifndef INLINE_EX_CONSTRUCTORS bool ex::is_equal(ex const & other) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); ASSERT(other.bp!=0); if (bp==other.bp) { // special case: both expression point to same basic, trivially equal return true; } return bp->is_equal(*other.bp); } #endif // ndef INLINE_EX_CONSTRUCTORS unsigned ex::return_type(void) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->return_type(); } unsigned ex::return_type_tinfo(void) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->return_type_tinfo(); } unsigned ex::gethash(void) const { ASSERT(bp!=0); return bp->gethash(); } ex ex::exadd(ex const & rh) const { return (new add(*this,rh))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } ex ex::exmul(ex const & rh) const { return (new mul(*this,rh))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } ex ex::exncmul(ex const & rh) const { return (new ncmul(*this,rh))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } // private void ex::makewriteable() { debugmsg("ex makewriteable",LOGLEVEL_MEMBER_FUNCTION); ASSERT(bp!=0); ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); if (bp->refcount > 1) { basic * bp2=bp->duplicate(); ++bp2->refcount; bp2->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); --bp->refcount; bp=bp2; } ASSERT(bp->refcount == 1); } void ex::construct_from_basic(basic const & other) { if ( (other.flags & status_flags::evaluated)==0 ) { // cf. copy constructor ex const & tmpex = other.eval(1); // evaluate only one (top) level bp = tmpex.bp; ASSERT(bp!=0); ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); ++bp->refcount; if ((other.flags & status_flags::dynallocated)&&(other.refcount==0)) { delete &const_cast(other); } } else { if (other.flags & status_flags::dynallocated) { bp=&const_cast(other); } else { bp=other.duplicate(); bp->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } ASSERT(bp!=0); // bp->clearflag(status_flags::evaluated); ++bp->refcount; } ASSERT(bp!=0); ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); } ////////// // static member variables ////////// // none ////////// // functions which are not member functions ////////// // none ////////// // global functions ////////// ex const & exZERO(void) { static ex * eZERO=new ex(numZERO()); return *eZERO; } ex const & exONE(void) { static ex * eONE=new ex(numONE()); return *eONE; } ex const & exTWO(void) { static ex * eTWO=new ex(numTWO()); return *eTWO; } ex const & exTHREE(void) { static ex * eTHREE=new ex(numTHREE()); return *eTHREE; } ex const & exMINUSONE(void) { static ex * eMINUSONE=new ex(numMINUSONE()); return *eMINUSONE; } ex const & exHALF(void) { static ex * eHALF=new ex(ex(1)/ex(2)); return *eHALF; } ex const & exMINUSHALF(void) { static ex * eMINUSHALF=new ex(numeric(-1,2)); return *eMINUSHALF; }