dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_INIT(ginac/basic.cpp) AC_PREREQ(2.12) dnl GiNaC version information dnl dnl Making releases: dnl GINACLIB_MICRO_VERSION += 1; dnl GINACLIB_INTERFACE_AGE += 1; dnl GINACLIB_BINARY_AGE += 1; dnl if any functions have been added, set GINACLIB_INTERFACE_AGE to 0. dnl if backwards compatibility has been broken, dnl set GINACLIB_BINARY_AGE and GINACLIB_INTERFACE_AGE to 0. dnl dnl NOTE: these can't be renamed to GINAC_MAJOR_VERSION etc. because dnl autoconf sees "AC_MAJOR_VERSION" and complains about an undefined macro dnl (don't we all *love* autoconf?)... GINACLIB_MAJOR_VERSION=0 GINACLIB_MINOR_VERSION=4 GINACLIB_MICRO_VERSION=0 GINACLIB_INTERFACE_AGE=0 GINACLIB_BINARY_AGE=0 GINACLIB_VERSION=$GINACLIB_MAJOR_VERSION.$GINACLIB_MINOR_VERSION.$GINACLIB_MICRO_VERSION AC_SUBST(GINACLIB_MAJOR_VERSION) AC_SUBST(GINACLIB_MINOR_VERSION) AC_SUBST(GINACLIB_MICRO_VERSION) AC_SUBST(GINACLIB_INTERFACE_AGE) AC_SUBST(GINACLIB_BINARY_AGE) AC_SUBST(GINACLIB_VERSION) dnl libtool versioning LT_RELEASE=$GINACLIB_MAJOR_VERSION.$GINACLIB_MINOR_VERSION LT_CURRENT=`expr $GINACLIB_MICRO_VERSION - $GINACLIB_INTERFACE_AGE` LT_REVISION=$GINACLIB_INTERFACE_AGE LT_AGE=`expr $GINACLIB_BINARY_AGE - $GINACLIB_INTERFACE_AGE` AC_SUBST(LT_RELEASE) AC_SUBST(LT_CURRENT) AC_SUBST(LT_REVISION) AC_SUBST(LT_AGE) dnl This defines PACKAGE and VERSION AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([GiNaC], $GINACLIB_VERSION) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE dnl =========================================================================== dnl Check for the compiler and all the utilities needed for the build: dnl =========================================================================== AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_CXXCPP AM_PROG_INSTALL AM_PROG_LIBTOOL AM_PROG_LEX AC_PROG_YACC dnl Switch to C++ language mode for the following libraries and headers: AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS dnl Make sure the following libraries work by testing for symbols therein. dnl They are automatically added the the variable $LIBS and thus passed into dnl the Makefile: AC_CHECK_LIB(stdc++, cout) dnl Make sure all the necessary new-style headers are installed on the system. dnl If one of them cannot be found the system is probably not ANSI-conform dnl enough so trying the .h-style headers is a waste of time. AC_CHECK_HEADERS(iostream vector map string list typeinfo iterator strstream stdexcept algorithm, , AC_MSG_ERROR(need to have ANSI compliant headers)) dnl We need to have Bruno Haible's CLN installed (macros are in aclocal.m4): GINAC_CHECK_CLN_H GINAC_CHECK_LIBCLN dnl Check for stuff needed for building the GiNaC interactive shell (ginsh): AC_CHECK_HEADERS(unistd.h) AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(strdup) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(readline/readline.h readline/history.h) AC_CHECK_LIB(readline, readline) dnl Check for utilities needed by the different kinds of documentation. dnl Documantation needs only be built when extending it, so never mind if it dnl cannot find those helpers: AC_PATH_PROG(DOXYGEN, doxygen, "") AC_PATH_PROG(LATEX, latex, "") AC_PATH_PROG(MAKEINDEX, makeindex, "") AC_PATH_PROG(DVIPS, dvips, "") AC_PATH_PROG(FIG2DEV, fig2dev, "") AC_PATH_PROG(JADE, jade, "") AC_PATH_PROG(JADETEX, jadetex, "") dnl =========================================================================== dnl Produce a Makefile from Makefile.in: dnl =========================================================================== AC_OUTPUT([Makefile ginac/Makefile check/Makefile ginsh/Makefile doc/Makefile]) echo "Configuration done. Now type \"make\"."