#include "G__ci.h" /* G__atpause is defined in G__ci.h */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" G__value G__exec_tempfile G__P((char *file)); extern "C" void G__store_undo_position(void); #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK #include template string ToString(T const & t) { char buf[256]; ostrstream(buf,sizeof(buf)) << t << ends; return buf; } basic * ex::last_created_or_assigned_bp=0; #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK typedef list cplist; cplist filenames; void cleanup(void) { for (cplist::iterator it=filenames.begin(); it!=filenames.end(); ++it) { cout << "removing file " << *it << endl; remove(*it); free(*it); } } void sigterm_handler(int n) { exit(1); } bool is_whitespace_char(char c) { return ((c==' ')||(c=='\t')||(c=='\n')||(c=='\r')); } char first_non_whitespace_char(char const * s) { int l=strlen(s); int pos=0; while ((pos=0)&&is_whitespace_char(s[pos])) pos--; return s[pos]; } string strip_whitespace(string const & s) { string s2; int l=s.length(); for (int pos=0; pos. The registration is free." << endl << " ._) i N a C | The GiNaC framework is Copyright by Johannes Gutenberg Univ." << endl << "<-------------' Germany and licensed under the terms and conditions of the GPL." << endl << endl; cout << "To quit, type 'quit;', 'exit;', 'bye;', '.q', '.quit', '.exit' or '.bye'" << endl; } int main(void) { char *line; char prompt[G__ONELINE]; greeting(); atexit(cleanup); signal(SIGTERM,sigterm_handler); G__init_cint("cint"); /* initialize cint */ exec_tempfile("#include \n"); exec_tempfile("ex LAST,LLAST,LLLAST;\n"); bool quit=false; bool next_command_is_function=false; while (!quit) { strcpy(prompt,"GiNaC> "); int open_braces=0; bool end_of_command=false; string command; while (!end_of_command) { line=G__input(prompt); int pos = 0; bool double_quote=false; bool single_quote=false; while(line[pos]!='\0') { switch(line[pos]) { case '"': if (!single_quote) double_quote = !double_quote; break; case '\'': if (!double_quote) single_quote = !single_quote; break; case '{': if ((!single_quote)&&(!double_quote)) open_braces++; break; case '}': if ((!single_quote)&&(!double_quote)) open_braces--; break; } pos++; } command += line; command += '\n'; if (open_braces==0) { if ((first_non_whitespace_char(command.c_str())=='#')|| (first_non_whitespace_char(command.c_str())=='.')|| (last_non_whitespace_char(command.c_str())==';')|| (last_non_whitespace_char(command.c_str())=='}')) { end_of_command=true; } } strcpy(prompt," > "); } string stripped_command=strip_whitespace(command); if ((stripped_command=="quit;")|| (stripped_command=="exit;")|| (stripped_command=="bye;")|| (stripped_command==".q")|| (stripped_command==".quit")|| (stripped_command==".exit")|| (stripped_command==".bye")) { quit=true; } else if (stripped_command==".function") { cout << "next expression can be a function definition" << endl; next_command_is_function=true; } else if (stripped_command==".cint") { cout << endl << "switching to cint interactive mode" << endl; cout << "'h' for help, 'q' to quit, '{ statements }' or 'p [expression]' to evaluate" << endl; G__pause(); cout << "back from cint" << endl; } else if (command[0]=='.') { cout << "special command (TBD): " << command << endl; } else { // cout << "now processing: " << command << endl; if (next_command_is_function) { next_command_is_function=false; filenames.push_back(process_permanentfile(command)); } else { process_tempfile(command); } } } return 0; }