#include "G__ci.h" /* G__atpause is defined in G__ci.h */ #if (!defined(G__CINTVERSION)) || (G__CINTVERSION < 501438) #error You need at least cint 5.14.38 to compile GiNaC-cint. Download it via http from root.cern.ch/root/Cint.html or via ftp from ftpthep.physik.uni-mainz.de/pub/cint #endif // (!defined(G__CINTVERSION)) || (G__CINTVERSION < 501438) #include #include #include #include #include #include "ginac/ginac.h" #include "config.h" #include #ifndef NO_NAMESPACE_GINAC using namespace GiNaC; #endif // ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GINAC extern "C" G__value G__exec_tempfile G__P((char *file)); extern "C" void G__store_undo_position(void); #define PROMPT1 "GiNaC> " #define PROMPT2 " > " #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK #include template string ToString(const T & t) { char buf[256]; ostrstream(buf,sizeof(buf)) << t << ends; return buf; } basic * ex::last_created_or_assigned_bp=0; basic * ex::dummy_bp=0; long ex::last_created_or_assigned_exp=0; #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK G__value exec_tempfile(string const & command); char * process_permanentfile(string const & command); void process_tempfile(string const & command); void greeting(void); void helpmessage(void); string preprocess(char const * const line, bool & comment, bool & single_quote, bool & double_quote, unsigned & open_braces); void cleanup(void); void sigterm_handler(int n); void initialize(void); void initialize_cint(void); void restart(void); bool is_command(string const & command, string & preprocessed, string const & comparevalue, bool substr=false); bool readlines(istream * is, string & allcommands); bool readfile(string const & filename, string & allcommands); void savefile(string const & filename, string const & allcommands); typedef list cplist; cplist filenames; bool redirect_output=false; G__value exec_tempfile(string const & command) { G__value retval; char *tmpfilename = tempnam(NULL,"ginac"); ofstream fout; fout.open(tmpfilename); fout << "{" << endl << command << endl << "}" << endl; fout.close(); G__store_undo_position(); retval = G__exec_tempfile(tmpfilename); G__security_recover(stdout); remove(tmpfilename); free(tmpfilename); return retval; } char * process_permanentfile(string const & command) { char *tmpfilename = tempnam(NULL,"ginac"); cout << "creating file " << tmpfilename << endl; ofstream fout; fout.open(tmpfilename); fout << command << endl; fout.close(); G__store_undo_position(); G__loadfile(tmpfilename); G__security_recover(stdout); return tmpfilename; } void process_tempfile(string const & command) { #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK static G__value ref_symbol = exec_tempfile("symbol ginac_cint_internal_symbol; ginac_cint_internal_symbol;"); static G__value ref_constant = exec_tempfile("constant ginac_cint_internal_constant; ginac_cint_internal_constant;"); static G__value ref_function = exec_tempfile("sin(ginac_cint_internal_symbol);"); static G__value ref_power = exec_tempfile("power(ex(ginac_cint_internal_symbol),ex(ginac_cint_internal_symbol));"); static G__value ref_numeric = exec_tempfile("numeric ginac_cint_internal_numeric; ginac_cint_internal_numeric;"); static G__value ref_ex = exec_tempfile("ex ginac_cint_internal_ex; ginac_cint_internal_ex;"); static bool basic_type_warning_already_displayed=false; #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK G__value retval = exec_tempfile(command); #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK #define TYPES_EQUAL(A,B) (((A).type==(B).type) && ((A).tagnum==(B).tagnum)) static unsigned out_count = 0; if (TYPES_EQUAL(retval,ref_ex)) { string varname = "Out"+ToString(++out_count); if (retval.obj.i!=ex::last_created_or_assigned_exp) { // an ex was returned, but this is not the ex which was created last // => this is not a temporary ex, but one that resides safely in memory // cout << "warning: using ex from retval (experimental)" << endl; ex::dummy_bp=((ex *)(void *)(retval.obj.i))->bp; exec_tempfile("ex "+varname+"(*ex::dummy_bp);"); } else if (ex::last_created_or_assigned_bp_can_be_converted_to_ex()) { //string varfill; //for (int i=4-int(log10(out_count)); i>0; --i) // varfill += ' '; exec_tempfile("ex "+varname+"(*ex::last_created_or_assigned_bp);"); } else { cout << "warning: last_created_or_assigned_bp modified 0 or not evaluated or not dynallocated" << endl; } exec_tempfile(string()+"LLLAST=LLAST;\n" +"LLAST=LAST;\n" +"LAST="+varname+";\n" +"if (ginac_cint_internal_redirect_output&&" +" ginac_cint_internal_fout.good()) {" +" ginac_cint_internal_fout << \""+varname+" = \" << "+varname+" << endl << endl;" +"} else {" +" cout << \""+varname+" = \" << "+varname+" << endl << endl;" +"}"); } else if (TYPES_EQUAL(retval,ref_symbol)|| TYPES_EQUAL(retval,ref_constant)|| TYPES_EQUAL(retval,ref_function)|| TYPES_EQUAL(retval,ref_power)|| TYPES_EQUAL(retval,ref_numeric)) { if (!basic_type_warning_already_displayed) { cout << endl <<"WARNING: The return value of the last expression you entered was a symbol," << endl << "constant, function, power or numeric, which cannot be safely displayed." << endl << "To force the output, cast it explicitly to type 'ex' or use 'cout'," << endl << "for example (assume 'x' is a symbol):" << endl << PROMPT1 "ex(x);" << endl << "OutX = x" << endl << endl << PROMPT1 "cout << x << endl;" << endl << "x" << endl << endl << "This warning will not be shown again." << endl; basic_type_warning_already_displayed=true; } } #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK } void greeting(void) { cout << "Welcome to GiNaC-cint (" << PACKAGE << " V" << VERSION << ")" << endl; cout << "This software is provided \"as is\" without any warranty. Copyright of Cint is" << endl << "owned by Agilent Technologies Japan and Masaharu Goto. Registration is" << endl << " __, _______ requested, at this moment, for commercial use. Send e-mail to" << endl << " (__) * | . The registration is free." << endl << " ._) i N a C | The GiNaC framework is Copyright by Johannes Gutenberg Univ.," << endl << "<-------------' Germany and licensed under the terms and conditions of the GPL." << endl << "Type .help for help." << endl << endl; } void helpmessage(void) { cout << "GiNaC-cint recognizes some special commands which start with a dot:" << endl << endl << " .cint switch to cint interactive mode (see cint" << endl << " documentation for further details)" << endl << " .function define the body of a function (necessary due to a" << endl << " cint limitation)" << endl << " .help the text you are currently reading" << endl << " .q, .quit, .exit, .bye quit GiNaC-cint" << endl << " .read filename read a file from disk and execute it in GiNaC-cint" << endl << " (recursive call is possible)" << endl << " .redirect [filename] redirect 'OutXY = ...' output to a file" << endl << " (.redirect alone redirects output back to console)" << endl << " .restart restart GiNaC-cint (does not re-read command line" << endl << " files)" << endl << " .save filename save the commands you have entered so far in a file" << endl << " .silent suppress 'OutXY = ...' output (variables are still" << endl << " accessible)" << endl << " .> [filename] same as .redirect [filename]" << endl << endl << "Instead of '.cmd' you can also write '//GiNaC-cint.cmd' to be compatible with" << endl << "programs that will be compiled later." << endl << "Additionally you can exit GiNaC-cint with quit; exit; or bye;" << endl << endl; } string preprocess(char const * const line, bool & comment, bool & single_quote, bool & double_quote, unsigned & open_braces) { // "preprocess" the line entered to be able to decide if the command shall be // executed directly or more input is needed or this is a special command // ALL whitespace will be removed // all comments (/* */ and //) will be removed // open and close braces ( { and } ) outside strings will be counted /* cout << "line=" << line << endl; cout << "comment=" << comment << ", single_quote=" << single_quote << ",double_quote=" << double_quote << ", open_braces=" << open_braces << endl; */ string preprocessed; int pos=0; bool end=false; bool escape=false; bool slash=false; bool asterisk=false; while ((line[pos]!='\0')&&!end) { if (escape) { // last character was a \, ignore this one escape=false; } else if (slash) { // last character was a /, test if * or / slash=false; if (line[pos]=='/') { end=true; } else if (line[pos]=='*') { comment=true; } else { preprocessed += '/'; preprocessed += line[pos]; } } else if (asterisk) { // last character was a *, test if / asterisk=false; if (line[pos]=='/') { comment=false; } else if (line[pos]=='*') { preprocessed += '*'; asterisk=true; } } else { switch (line[pos]) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': // whitespace: ignore break; case '\\': // escape character, ignore next escape=true; break; case '"': if ((!single_quote)&&(!comment)) { double_quote = !double_quote; } break; case '\'': if ((!double_quote)&&(!comment)) { single_quote = !single_quote; } break; case '{': if ((!single_quote)&&(!double_quote)&&(!comment)) { open_braces++; } break; case '}': if ((!single_quote)&&(!double_quote)&&(!comment)&&(open_braces>0)) { open_braces--; } break; case '/': slash=true; break; case '*': asterisk=true; break; default: preprocessed += line[pos]; } } pos++; } /* cout << "preprocessed=" << preprocessed << endl; cout << "comment=" << comment << ", single_quote=" << single_quote << ",double_quote=" << double_quote << ", open_braces=" << open_braces << endl; */ return preprocessed; } void cleanup(void) { for (cplist::iterator it=filenames.begin(); it!=filenames.end(); ++it) { cout << "removing file " << *it << endl; remove(*it); free(*it); } } void sigterm_handler(int n) { exit(1); } void initialize(void) { if (isatty(0)) greeting(); atexit(cleanup); signal(SIGTERM,sigterm_handler); initialize_cint(); } void initialize_cint(void) { G__init_cint("cint"); /* initialize cint */ // no longer needed as of cint 5.14.31 // exec_tempfile("#include \n"); #ifndef NO_NAMESPACE_GINAC exec_tempfile("using namespace GiNaC;"); #endif // ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GINAC exec_tempfile("ex LAST,LLAST,LLLAST;\n"); exec_tempfile("bool ginac_cint_internal_redirect_output=false;\n"); exec_tempfile("ofstream ginac_cint_internal_fout;\n"); } void restart(void) { cout << "Restarting GiNaC-cint." << endl; G__scratch_all(); initialize_cint(); } void redirect(string const & filename) { if (filename=="") { cout << "Redirecting output back to console..." << endl; exec_tempfile( string() +"ginac_cint_internal_redirect_output=false;\n" +"ginac_cint_internal_fout.close();"); } else { cout << "Redirecting output to " << filename << "..." << endl; exec_tempfile( string() +"ginac_cint_internal_redirect_output=true;\n" +"ginac_cint_internal_fout.open(\""+filename+"\");\n"); } } bool is_command(string const & command, string & preprocessed, string const & comparevalue, bool substr) { bool single_quote=false; bool double_quote=false; bool comment=false; unsigned open_braces=0; if ((preprocessed=="."+comparevalue)|| substr&&(preprocessed.substr(0,comparevalue.length()+1)== "."+comparevalue)) { return true; } if ((command=="//GiNaC-cint."+comparevalue+"\n")|| substr&&(command.substr(0,comparevalue.length()+13)== "//GiNaC-cint."+comparevalue)) { preprocessed = preprocess(command.substr(12).c_str(),comment, single_quote,double_quote,open_braces); return true; } return false; } bool readlines(istream * is, string & allcommands) { char const * line; char prompt[G__ONELINE]; string linebuffer; bool quit = false; bool eof = false; bool next_command_is_function=false; bool single_quote=false; bool double_quote=false; bool comment=false; unsigned open_braces=0; while ((!quit)&&(!eof)) { strcpy(prompt,PROMPT1); bool end_of_command = false; string command; string preprocessed; while (!end_of_command) { if (is==NULL) { line = G__input(prompt); } else { getline(*is,linebuffer); line=linebuffer.c_str(); } command += line; command += "\n"; preprocessed += preprocess(line,comment,single_quote,double_quote,open_braces); if ((open_braces==0)&&(!single_quote)&&(!double_quote)&&(!comment)) { unsigned l=preprocessed.length(); if ((l==0)|| (preprocessed[0]=='#')|| (preprocessed[0]=='.')|| (preprocessed[l-1]==';')|| (preprocessed[l-1]=='}')) { end_of_command=true; } } strcpy(prompt,PROMPT2); } if ((preprocessed=="quit;")|| (preprocessed=="exit;")|| (preprocessed=="bye;")|| (is_command(command,preprocessed,"quit"))|| (is_command(command,preprocessed,"exit"))|| (is_command(command,preprocessed,"bye"))|| (is_command(command,preprocessed,"q"))) { quit = true; } else if (is_command(command,preprocessed,"function")) { cout << "next expression can be a function definition" << endl; next_command_is_function=true; } else if (is_command(command,preprocessed,"cint")) { cout << endl << "switching to cint interactive mode" << endl; cout << "'h' for help, 'q' to quit, '{ statements }' or 'p [expression]' to evaluate" << endl; G__pause(); cout << "back from cint" << endl; } else if (is_command(command,preprocessed,"help")) { helpmessage(); } else if (is_command(command,preprocessed,"read",true)) { quit=readfile(preprocessed.substr(5),allcommands); } else if (is_command(command,preprocessed,"save",true)) { command = "/* "+command+" */"; // we do not want the .save command itself in saved files savefile(preprocessed.substr(5),allcommands); } else if (is_command(command,preprocessed,"restart")) { restart(); } else if (is_command(command,preprocessed,"redirect",true)) { redirect(preprocessed.substr(9)); } else if (is_command(command,preprocessed,">",true)) { redirect(preprocessed.substr(2)); } else if (is_command(command,preprocessed,"silent")) { redirect("/dev/null"); /* test for more special commands } else if (preprocessed==".xyz") { cout << "special command (TBD): " << command << endl; */ } else if (command.substr(0,2)=="#!") { // ignore lines which indicate that this file is executed as a script } else { // cout << "now processing: " << command << endl; if (next_command_is_function) { next_command_is_function = false; filenames.push_back(process_permanentfile(command)); } else { process_tempfile(command); } } if (is!=NULL) { // test for end of file if reading from a stream eof=is->eof(); } else { // save commands only when reading from keyboard allcommands += command; } } return quit; } bool readfile(string const & filename, string & allcommands) { cout << "Reading commands from file " << filename << "." << endl; bool quit=false; ifstream fin; fin.open(filename.c_str()); if (fin.good()) { quit=readlines(&fin,allcommands); } else { cout << "Cannot open " << filename << " for reading." << endl; } fin.close(); return quit; } void savefile(string const & filename, string const & allcommands) { cout << "Saving commands to file " << filename << "." << endl; ofstream fout; fout.open(filename.c_str()); if (fout.good()) { fout << allcommands; if (!fout.good()) { cout << "Cannot save commands to " << filename << "." << endl; } } else { cout << "Cannot open " << filename << " for writing." << endl; } fout.close(); } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { string allcommands; initialize(); bool quit=false; bool argsexist=argc>1; if (argsexist) { allcommands="/* Files given as command line arguments:\n"; } argc--; argv++; while (argc && !quit) { allcommands += *argv; allcommands += "\n"; quit=readfile(*argv,allcommands); argc--; argv++; } if (argsexist) { allcommands += "*/\n"; } if (!quit) { readlines(NULL,allcommands); } return 0; }