#!/bin/sh echo echo "GiNaCcint configure script" echo "--------------------------" echo echo "Warning: this is not a sophisticated GNU configure script!" echo echo "It tests if cint is installed" echo "What it does NOT check:" echo " the ginac source files (e.g. ginac.h) must be in ../ginac" echo " libginac must have been compiled with -D NO_GINAC_NAMESPACE" echo " libginac.a or libginac.so must be found in ../ginac/.libs" echo " libcln.a or libcln.so must be in the standard link path" echo if [ X"$CINTSYSDIR"X = "XX" ]; then echo "ERROR: cint does not seem to be installed (\$CINTSYSDIR not set)" exit fi; echo "ok, cint seems to be installed (\$CINTSYSDIR = $CINTSYSDIR)" if [ X`which cint`X = "XX" ]; then echo "ERROR: cint not in \$PATH" exit fi; echo "ok, cint seems to be in \$PATH" makecint -mk Makefile -o ginaccint -m \ -D OBSCURE_CINT_HACK -D NO_GINAC_NAMESPACE \ -I .. -I $CINTSYSDIR \ -m -H ../ginac/ginac.h -H cint_workaround.h \ -C++ dummy_ginsh.cpp -C++ ginaccint.cpp \ -l ../ginac/.libs/libginac.a -lcln \ -cint -M0x10 echo "ok, makecint has created the Makefile" echo echo "Configuration done. Now type \"make\"." echo "(please ignore template warnings about 'statement with no effect')"