]> www.ginac.de Git - ginac.git/blob - ginac/parser/default_reader.tpl
Use C style cast when converting void* into function pointer.
[ginac.git] / ginac / parser / default_reader.tpl
1 [+ AutoGen5 template .cpp +][+ 
2 COMMENT a part of GiNaC parser -- construct functions from a byte stream.
3 +][+
4 (use-modules (ice-9 format))
6 (define (sequence start end . step)
7   (let ((step (if (null? step) 1 (car step))))
8     (let loop ((n start))
9       (if (> n end) '() (cons n (loop (+ step n)))))))
10 +]/*
11 [+ (dne " * " " * " ) +]
12  *
13  * If you want to change this file, edit either `[+ (def-file) +]' or
14  * `[+ (tpl-file) +]' file, and run the following command:
15  *
16  * autogen -T [+ (tpl-file) +] [+ (def-file) +]
17  */
18 #include "parse_context.h"
19 #include "power.h"
20 #include "operators.h"
21 #include "inifcns.h"
22 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
23 #include "config.h"
24 #endif
26 #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H
27 #include <stdint.h> // for uintptr_t
28 #endif
30 namespace GiNaC
31 {
32 [+ FOR function +]
33 static ex [+ (get "name") +]_reader(const exvector& ev)
34 {
35         return GiNaC::[+ (get "name") +]([+
36                 (let ((nargs (if (exist? "args")
37                                  (string->number (get "args")) 1)))
38                   (format '#f "~{ev[~a]~^, ~}" (sequence 0 (- nargs 1)))) +]);
39 }[+ ENDFOR +]
41 // function::registered_functions() is protected, but we need to access it
42 class registered_functions_hack : public function
43 {
44 public:
45         static const std::vector<function_options>& get_registered_functions()
46         {
47                 return function::registered_functions();
48         }
49 private:
50         registered_functions_hack();
51         registered_functions_hack(const registered_functions_hack&);
52         registered_functions_hack& operator=(const registered_functions_hack&);
53 };
55 // Encode an integer into a pointer to a function. Since functions
56 // are aligned (the minimal alignment depends on CPU architecture)
57 // we can distinguish between pointers and integers.
58 static reader_func encode_serial_as_reader_func(unsigned serial)
59 {
60         uintptr_t u = (uintptr_t)serial;
61         u = (u << 1) | (uintptr_t)1;
62         reader_func ptr = (reader_func)((void *)u);
63         return ptr;
64 }
66 const prototype_table& get_default_reader()
67 {
68         using std::make_pair;
69         static bool initialized = false;
70         static prototype_table reader;
71         if (!initialized) {
72                 [+ FOR function +]
73                 reader[make_pair("[+ (get "name") +]", [+ 
74                         (if (exist? "args") (get "args") "1")
75                         +])] = [+ (get "name") +]_reader;[+
76                 ENDFOR +]
77                 std::vector<function_options>::const_iterator it =
78                         registered_functions_hack::get_registered_functions().begin();
79                 std::vector<function_options>::const_iterator end =
80                         registered_functions_hack::get_registered_functions().end();
81                 unsigned serial = 0;
82                 for (; it != end; ++it) {
83                         prototype proto = make_pair(it->get_name(), it->get_nparams());
84                         reader[proto] = encode_serial_as_reader_func(serial);
85                         ++serial;
86                 }
87                 initialized = true;
88         }
89         return reader;
90 }
92 const prototype_table& get_builtin_reader()
93 {
94         using std::make_pair;
95         static bool initialized = false;
96         static prototype_table reader;
97         if (!initialized) {
98                 [+ FOR function +]
99                 reader[make_pair("[+ (get "name") +]", [+ 
100                         (if (exist? "args") (get "args") "1")
101                         +])] = [+ (get "name") +]_reader;[+
102                 ENDFOR +]
103                 enum {
104                         log,
105                         exp,
106                         sin,
107                         cos,
108                         tan,
109                         asin,
110                         acos,
111                         atan,
112                         sinh,
113                         cosh,
114                         tanh,
115                         asinh,
116                         acosh,
117                         atanh,
118                         atan2,
119                         Li2,
120                         Li3,
121                         zetaderiv,
122                         Li,
123                         S,
124                         H,
125                         lgamma,
126                         tgamma,
127                         beta,
128                         factorial,
129                         binomial,
130                         Order,
131                         NFUNCTIONS
132                 };
133                 std::vector<function_options>::const_iterator it =
134                         registered_functions_hack::get_registered_functions().begin();
135                 unsigned serial = 0;
136                 for ( ; serial<NFUNCTIONS; ++it, ++serial ) {
137                         prototype proto = make_pair(it->get_name(), it->get_nparams());
138                         reader[proto] = encode_serial_as_reader_func(serial);
139                 }
140                 initialized = true;
141         }
142         return reader;
143 }
145 } // namespace GiNaC