/** @file operators.cpp * * Implementation of GiNaC's overloaded operators. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include "operators.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "add.h" #include "mul.h" #include "power.h" #include "ncmul.h" #include "relational.h" #include "print.h" #include "utils.h" namespace GiNaC { /** Used internally by operator+() to add two ex objects together. */ static inline const ex exadd(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return (new add(lh,rh))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } /** Used internally by operator*() to multiply two ex objects together. */ static inline const ex exmul(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) { // Check if we are constructing a mul object or a ncmul object. Due to // ncmul::eval()'s rule to pull out commutative elements we need to check // only one of the elements. if (rh.return_type()==return_types::commutative || lh.return_type()==return_types::commutative) return (new mul(lh,rh))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); else return (new ncmul(lh,rh))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } /** Used internally by operator-() and friends to change the sign of an argument. */ static inline const ex exminus(const ex & lh) { return (new mul(lh,_ex_1))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } // binary arithmetic operators ex with ex const ex operator+(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return exadd(lh, rh); } const ex operator-(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return exadd(lh, exminus(rh)); } const ex operator*(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return exmul(lh, rh); } const ex operator/(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return exmul(lh, power(rh,_ex_1)); } // binary arithmetic operators numeric with numeric const numeric operator+(const numeric & lh, const numeric & rh) { return lh.add(rh); } const numeric operator-(const numeric & lh, const numeric & rh) { return lh.sub(rh); } const numeric operator*(const numeric & lh, const numeric & rh) { return lh.mul(rh); } const numeric operator/(const numeric & lh, const numeric & rh) { return lh.div(rh); } // binary arithmetic assignment operators with ex ex & operator+=(ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return lh = exadd(lh, rh); } ex & operator-=(ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return lh = exadd(lh, exminus(rh)); } ex & operator*=(ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return lh = exmul(lh, rh); } ex & operator/=(ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return lh = exmul(lh, power(rh,_ex_1)); } // binary arithmetic assignment operators with numeric numeric & operator+=(numeric & lh, const numeric & rh) { lh = lh.add(rh); return lh; } numeric & operator-=(numeric & lh, const numeric & rh) { lh = lh.sub(rh); return lh; } numeric & operator*=(numeric & lh, const numeric & rh) { lh = lh.mul(rh); return lh; } numeric & operator/=(numeric & lh, const numeric & rh) { lh = lh.div(rh); return lh; } // unary operators const ex operator+(const ex & lh) { return lh; } const ex operator-(const ex & lh) { return exminus(lh); } const numeric operator+(const numeric & lh) { return lh; } const numeric operator-(const numeric & lh) { return _num_1_p->mul(lh); } // increment / decrement operators /** Expression prefix increment. Adds 1 and returns incremented ex. */ ex & operator++(ex & rh) { return rh = exadd(rh, _ex1); } /** Expression prefix decrement. Subtracts 1 and returns decremented ex. */ ex & operator--(ex & rh) { return rh = exadd(rh, _ex_1); } /** Expression postfix increment. Returns the ex and leaves the original * incremented by 1. */ const ex operator++(ex & lh, int) { ex tmp(lh); lh = exadd(lh, _ex1); return tmp; } /** Expression postfix decrement. Returns the ex and leaves the original * decremented by 1. */ const ex operator--(ex & lh, int) { ex tmp(lh); lh = exadd(lh, _ex_1); return tmp; } /** Numeric prefix increment. Adds 1 and returns incremented number. */ numeric& operator++(numeric & rh) { rh = rh.add(*_num1_p); return rh; } /** Numeric prefix decrement. Subtracts 1 and returns decremented number. */ numeric& operator--(numeric & rh) { rh = rh.add(*_num_1_p); return rh; } /** Numeric postfix increment. Returns the number and leaves the original * incremented by 1. */ const numeric operator++(numeric & lh, int) { numeric tmp(lh); lh = lh.add(*_num1_p); return tmp; } /** Numeric postfix decrement. Returns the number and leaves the original * decremented by 1. */ const numeric operator--(numeric & lh, int) { numeric tmp(lh); lh = lh.add(*_num_1_p); return tmp; } // binary relational operators ex with ex const relational operator==(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return relational(lh,rh,relational::equal); } const relational operator!=(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return relational(lh,rh,relational::not_equal); } const relational operator<(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return relational(lh,rh,relational::less); } const relational operator<=(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return relational(lh,rh,relational::less_or_equal); } const relational operator>(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return relational(lh,rh,relational::greater); } const relational operator>=(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) { return relational(lh,rh,relational::greater_or_equal); } // input/output stream operators and manipulators static int my_ios_index() { static int i = std::ios_base::xalloc(); return i; } // Stream format gets copied or destroyed static void my_ios_callback(std::ios_base::event ev, std::ios_base & s, int i) { print_context *p = static_cast(s.pword(i)); if (ev == std::ios_base::erase_event) { delete p; s.pword(i) = 0; } else if (ev == std::ios_base::copyfmt_event && p != 0) s.pword(i) = p->duplicate(); } enum { callback_registered = 1 }; // Get print_context associated with stream, may return 0 if no context has // been associated yet static inline print_context *get_print_context(std::ios_base & s) { return static_cast(s.pword(my_ios_index())); } // Set print_context associated with stream, retain options static void set_print_context(std::ios_base & s, const print_context & c) { int i = my_ios_index(); long flags = s.iword(i); if (!(flags & callback_registered)) { s.register_callback(my_ios_callback, i); s.iword(i) = flags | callback_registered; } print_context *p = static_cast(s.pword(i)); unsigned options = p ? p->options : c.options; delete p; p = c.duplicate(); p->options = options; s.pword(i) = p; } // Get options for print_context associated with stream static inline unsigned get_print_options(std::ios_base & s) { print_context *p = get_print_context(s); return p ? p->options : 0; } // Set options for print_context associated with stream static void set_print_options(std::ostream & s, unsigned options) { print_context *p = get_print_context(s); if (p == 0) set_print_context(s, print_dflt(s, options)); else p->options = options; } std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const ex & e) { print_context *p = get_print_context(os); if (p == 0) e.print(print_dflt(os)); else e.print(*p); return os; } std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & is, ex & e) { throw (std::logic_error("expression input from streams not implemented")); } std::ostream & dflt(std::ostream & os) { set_print_context(os, print_dflt(os)); set_print_options(os, 0); return os; } std::ostream & latex(std::ostream & os) { set_print_context(os, print_latex(os)); return os; } std::ostream & python(std::ostream & os) { set_print_context(os, print_python(os)); return os; } std::ostream & python_repr(std::ostream & os) { set_print_context(os, print_python_repr(os)); return os; } std::ostream & tree(std::ostream & os) { set_print_context(os, print_tree(os)); return os; } std::ostream & csrc(std::ostream & os) { set_print_context(os, print_csrc_double(os)); return os; } std::ostream & csrc_float(std::ostream & os) { set_print_context(os, print_csrc_float(os)); return os; } std::ostream & csrc_double(std::ostream & os) { set_print_context(os, print_csrc_double(os)); return os; } std::ostream & csrc_cl_N(std::ostream & os) { set_print_context(os, print_csrc_cl_N(os)); return os; } std::ostream & index_dimensions(std::ostream & os) { set_print_options(os, get_print_options(os) | print_options::print_index_dimensions); return os; } std::ostream & no_index_dimensions(std::ostream & os) { set_print_options(os, get_print_options(os) & ~print_options::print_index_dimensions); return os; } } // namespace GiNaC