/** @file numeric.h * * Makes the interface to the underlying bignum package available. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __GINAC_NUMERIC_H__ #define __GINAC_NUMERIC_H__ #include #include "basic.h" #include "ex.h" #include // forward decln of cln::cl_N, since cln/complex_class.h is not included: namespace cln { class cl_N; } #if defined(G__CINTVERSION) && !defined(__MAKECINT__) // Cint @$#$! doesn't like forward declaring classes used for casting operators // so we have to include the definition of cln::cl_N here, but it is enough to // do so for the compiler, hence the !defined(__MAKECINT__). #include #endif #ifndef NO_NAMESPACE_GINAC namespace GiNaC { #endif // ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GINAC #define HASHVALUE_NUMERIC 0x80000001U /** This class is used to instantiate a global object Digits which * behaves just like Maple's Digits. We need an object rather than a * dumber basic type since as a side-effect we let it change * cl_default_float_format when it gets changed. The only other * meaningful thing to do with it is converting it to an unsigned, * for temprary storing its value e.g. The user must not create an * own working object of this class! Since C++ forces us to make the * class definition visible in order to use an object we put in a * flag which prevents other objects of that class to be created. */ class _numeric_digits { // member functions public: _numeric_digits(); _numeric_digits& operator=(long prec); operator long(); void print(std::ostream & os) const; // member variables private: long digits; static bool too_late; }; /** This class is a wrapper around CLN-numbers within the GiNaC class * hierarchy. Objects of this type may directly be created by the user.*/ class numeric : public basic { GINAC_DECLARE_REGISTERED_CLASS(numeric, basic) // friends // (none) // member functions // default constructor, destructor, copy constructor assignment // operator and helpers public: numeric(); ~numeric(); numeric(const numeric & other); const numeric & operator=(const numeric & other); protected: void copy(const numeric & other); void destroy(bool call_parent); // other constructors public: explicit numeric(int i); explicit numeric(unsigned int i); explicit numeric(long i); explicit numeric(unsigned long i); explicit numeric(long numer, long denom); explicit numeric(double d); explicit numeric(const char *); // functions overriding virtual functions from bases classes public: basic * duplicate() const; void print(std::ostream & os, unsigned precedence=0) const; void printraw(std::ostream & os) const; void printtree(std::ostream & os, unsigned indent) const; void printcsrc(std::ostream & os, unsigned type, unsigned precedence=0) const; bool info(unsigned inf) const; bool has(const ex & other) const; ex eval(int level=0) const; ex evalf(int level=0) const; ex normal(lst &sym_lst, lst &repl_lst, int level=0) const; ex to_rational(lst &repl_lst) const; numeric integer_content(void) const; ex smod(const numeric &xi) const; numeric max_coefficient(void) const; protected: ex derivative(const symbol & s) const; int compare_same_type(const basic & other) const; bool is_equal_same_type(const basic & other) const; unsigned calchash(void) const; // new virtual functions which can be overridden by derived classes // (none) // non-virtual functions in this class public: const numeric add(const numeric & other) const; const numeric sub(const numeric & other) const; const numeric mul(const numeric & other) const; const numeric div(const numeric & other) const; const numeric power(const numeric & other) const; const numeric & add_dyn(const numeric & other) const; const numeric & sub_dyn(const numeric & other) const; const numeric & mul_dyn(const numeric & other) const; const numeric & div_dyn(const numeric & other) const; const numeric & power_dyn(const numeric & other) const; const numeric & operator=(int i); const numeric & operator=(unsigned int i); const numeric & operator=(long i); const numeric & operator=(unsigned long i); const numeric & operator=(double d); const numeric & operator=(const char * s); const numeric inverse(void) const; int csgn(void) const; int compare(const numeric & other) const; bool is_equal(const numeric & other) const; bool is_zero(void) const; bool is_positive(void) const; bool is_negative(void) const; bool is_integer(void) const; bool is_pos_integer(void) const; bool is_nonneg_integer(void) const; bool is_even(void) const; bool is_odd(void) const; bool is_prime(void) const; bool is_rational(void) const; bool is_real(void) const; bool is_cinteger(void) const; bool is_crational(void) const; bool operator==(const numeric & other) const; bool operator!=(const numeric & other) const; bool operator<(const numeric & other) const; bool operator<=(const numeric & other) const; bool operator>(const numeric & other) const; bool operator>=(const numeric & other) const; int to_int(void) const; long to_long(void) const; double to_double(void) const; cln::cl_N to_cl_N(void) const; const numeric real(void) const; const numeric imag(void) const; const numeric numer(void) const; const numeric denom(void) const; int int_length(void) const; // converting routines for interfacing with CLN: numeric(const cln::cl_N & z); // member variables protected: static unsigned precedence; cln::cl_number value; }; // global constants extern const numeric I; extern _numeric_digits Digits; //#define is_a_numeric_hash(x) ((x)==HASHVALUE_NUMERIC) // may have to be changed to ((x)>=0x80000000U) // has been changed //#define is_a_numeric_hash(x) ((x)&0x80000000U) // global functions const numeric exp(const numeric & x); const numeric log(const numeric & x); const numeric sin(const numeric & x); const numeric cos(const numeric & x); const numeric tan(const numeric & x); const numeric asin(const numeric & x); const numeric acos(const numeric & x); const numeric atan(const numeric & x); const numeric atan(const numeric & y, const numeric & x); const numeric sinh(const numeric & x); const numeric cosh(const numeric & x); const numeric tanh(const numeric & x); const numeric asinh(const numeric & x); const numeric acosh(const numeric & x); const numeric atanh(const numeric & x); const numeric Li2(const numeric & x); const numeric zeta(const numeric & x); const numeric lgamma(const numeric & x); const numeric tgamma(const numeric & x); const numeric psi(const numeric & x); const numeric psi(const numeric & n, const numeric & x); const numeric factorial(const numeric & n); const numeric doublefactorial(const numeric & n); const numeric binomial(const numeric & n, const numeric & k); const numeric bernoulli(const numeric & n); const numeric fibonacci(const numeric & n); const numeric abs(const numeric & x); const numeric isqrt(const numeric & x); const numeric sqrt(const numeric & x); const numeric abs(const numeric & x); const numeric mod(const numeric & a, const numeric & b); const numeric smod(const numeric & a, const numeric & b); const numeric irem(const numeric & a, const numeric & b); const numeric irem(const numeric & a, const numeric & b, numeric & q); const numeric iquo(const numeric & a, const numeric & b); const numeric iquo(const numeric & a, const numeric & b, numeric & r); const numeric gcd(const numeric & a, const numeric & b); const numeric lcm(const numeric & a, const numeric & b); // wrapper functions around member functions inline const numeric pow(const numeric & x, const numeric & y) { return x.power(y); } inline const numeric inverse(const numeric & x) { return x.inverse(); } inline int csgn(const numeric & x) { return x.csgn(); } inline bool is_zero(const numeric & x) { return x.is_zero(); } inline bool is_positive(const numeric & x) { return x.is_positive(); } inline bool is_integer(const numeric & x) { return x.is_integer(); } inline bool is_pos_integer(const numeric & x) { return x.is_pos_integer(); } inline bool is_nonneg_integer(const numeric & x) { return x.is_nonneg_integer(); } inline bool is_even(const numeric & x) { return x.is_even(); } inline bool is_odd(const numeric & x) { return x.is_odd(); } inline bool is_prime(const numeric & x) { return x.is_prime(); } inline bool is_rational(const numeric & x) { return x.is_rational(); } inline bool is_real(const numeric & x) { return x.is_real(); } inline bool is_cinteger(const numeric & x) { return x.is_cinteger(); } inline bool is_crational(const numeric & x) { return x.is_crational(); } inline int to_int(const numeric & x) { return x.to_int(); } inline long to_long(const numeric & x) { return x.to_long(); } inline double to_double(const numeric & x) { return x.to_double(); } inline const numeric real(const numeric & x) { return x.real(); } inline const numeric imag(const numeric & x) { return x.imag(); } inline const numeric numer(const numeric & x) { return x.numer(); } inline const numeric denom(const numeric & x) { return x.denom(); } // numeric evaluation functions for class constant objects: ex PiEvalf(void); ex EulerEvalf(void); ex CatalanEvalf(void); // utility functions inline const numeric &ex_to_numeric(const ex &e) { return static_cast(*e.bp); } #ifndef NO_NAMESPACE_GINAC } // namespace GiNaC #endif // ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GINAC #ifdef __MAKECINT__ #pragma link off defined_in cln/number.h; #pragma link off defined_in cln/complex_class.h; #endif #endif // ndef __GINAC_NUMERIC_H__