Prerequisites ============= * C++11-compliant C++ compiler. GNU C++ compiler (version >= 5.1) is recommended. * [Recommended] GNU multiprecision library (, version > 4.0. * CMake, version 3.10 or newer. * Ninja (, version 1.8 or newer * [Optional] To build CLN documentation texinfo and TeX are necessary. * If you install CLN from git, you also need git (, version >= 1.8. Installation from a source .tar.bz2 distribution ================================================ 1) Unpack the archive $ tar xaf cln-x.y.z-tar.bz2 2) Create a build directory $ mkdir cln_build 3) Run CMake to generate build files $ cd cln_build $ cmake -GNinja ../cln-x.y.z 4) Actually build CLN $ cmake --build . 5) Run the test suite (not mandatory, but strongly recommended) $ cmake --build . --target check 6) Install CLN [become root if necessary] # make install Installation from git ===================== The steps are essentially the same as compiling from the tarball, the only difference is using git to get the code. 1) Download the code: $ git clone git:// cln or, if you have already cloned the repository, $ git pull Subsequent steps are the same as compiling from a source distribution.