[CLN-list] Does someone see a way to speed this up

Joshua Friedman crowneagle at gmail.com
Fri Dec 10 19:13:56 CET 2010

I am using a lot of function calls, would passing constant pointers speed up
my program significantly? I am doing computations with modular forms (2
variable functions, written as a Fourier series in one variable). I am
basically computing integrals of these functions and searching for maximums.
The program takes a long time to run, I think much longer than it should.

I don't expect people to read the code, just look at the way I am using cln.
Is this an efficient way?

#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cln/real.h>
#include <cln/integer.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <cln/io.h>
#include <cln/integer_io.h>
#include <cln/real_io.h>

#include <cln/float_io.h>

#include <cln/float_io.h>
#include <cln/integer.h>
#include <cln/real.h>
#include <cln/complex.h>
// We do I/O.
#include <cln/io.h>
#include <cln/integer_io.h>
#include <cln/real_io.h>
#include <cln/complex_io.h>
// We use the timing functions.
#include <cln/timing.h>

//using namespace std;
using namespace cln;

typedef cln::cl_I bigI;
typedef cln::cl_F bigF;
typedef cln::cl_N bigC;
typedef cln::cl_R bigR;

bigF h(bigF y,  bigF a[], int k, int M, int pr);
bigF ff(bigF x, bigF y,  bigF a[], int k, int M, int pr);
bigF v(bigF y,  bigF a[], int k, int M, int pr);
bigF integralH(bigF a[], int k, int M, int n, int pr);
bigF integralL(bigF a[], int k, int M, int n, int pr);
bigF max(bigF a[][100],bigF b[], int k, int D, int M, bigF e, int pr);
//for each weight k (2k gives actual weight), make 2d arrary of coefficients
//write routine to search FD domain (less than 2k/pi, check the 2), first do
//sup for indiv forms, than the average one.

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  //the number of coefficients to use

  int pbits= 128;
  int nPartitions = 100;
  int divisor = 4;
  float fbinsize = 0.1;
  int startK = 22;
  cout << "\n Enter prec, numPartitions, intervalSize, divisor to reduce
coef, startK  ";
  cin >> pbits >> nPartitions >> fbinsize >> divisor >> startK;
  std::string snum;
  char w;
  int K,P,D;
  bigI S, H;
  std::ifstream myfile ("full_output.txt");
  if (myfile.is_open())
      while (! myfile.eof() )

  D = 0;
  myfile >> w >> K >> P >> D;

  bigI bigInt;
  int pr = pbits;
  cln::float_format_t prec = cln::float_format_t(pr);
  bigF binSize = cl_float(fbinsize,prec);
  bigF a[D][100];
  bigF b[D];
    for (int n = 0; n < D; n++) {
      for (int u  = 0; u < P; u++) {
myfile >> S >> bigInt;
a[n][u] = cl_float(bigInt,prec);

      if (K >= startK) {
b[n] = integralH(a[n],K, P/divisor, nPartitions, pr) + integralL(a[n],K,
P/divisor, nPartitions, pr); }
      //b[n] = cl_float(1,prec);
      //cout << "\nLoaded Coeff";
    if (K >= startK) {
      if (D>0) {
bigF sNorm = max(a,b,K,D,P, binSize, pr);
cout << "\n" << K << "," << sNorm;
  else cout << "Unable to open file";

  return 0;

//Used to do the integral over cylindar y > 1

bigF h(bigF y,  bigF a[], int k, int M, int pr) {
  cln::float_format_t prec = cln::float_format_t(pr);
  const bigF PI = pi(prec);
  bigF s = cln::cl_float(0,prec);
  for (int n = 1; n < M; n++)
    if (cl_float(4,prec)*PI*cl_float(n,prec)*y < cl_float(300,prec))
      s = s + a[n]*a[n]*exp(cl_float(-4,prec)*PI*cl_float(n,prec)*y);
  return exp(ln(y)*cl_float(2*k-2, prec))*s;

//ff is equiv to g, use it as a test and see which is more effiecient
bigF ff(bigF x, bigF y,  bigF a[], int k, int M, int pr) {

  cln::float_format_t prec = cln::float_format_t(pr);
  const bigF PI = pi(prec);
  bigF q = cl_float(0.0,prec);
  int j = 1;
  bigF w = cl_float(0.0,prec);
  int r = 0;
  bigF hh = cl_float(0,prec);
  for (j = 1; j <= M; j++) {

    if (cl_float(4,prec)*PI*cl_float(j,prec)*y < cl_float(50,prec))
      w = w + a[j]*a[j]*exp(-cl_float(4,prec)*PI*cl_float(j,prec)*y);
  for (r = 3; r <= M; r++) {
    q = cl_float(0.0,prec);
    for (j = 1; 2*j < r; j++)
      q = q +
a[j]*a[r-j]*cos(cl_float(2,prec)*PI*(cl_float(2,prec)*cl_float(j,prec) -
     if (cl_float(2,prec)*PI*cl_float(r,prec)*y < cl_float(50,prec))
       q = q*exp(cl_float(-2,prec)*PI*cl_float(r,prec)*y); else q =
     w = w + 2*q;


  bigF tt =  cln::cl_float(2*k,prec);
  return exp(ln(y)*tt)*w;


bigF max(bigF a[][100], bigF b[], int k, int D, int M, bigF e, int pr) {
  bigF x,y,half;
  cln::float_format_t prec = cln::float_format_t(pr);
  bigF one = cl_float(1,prec);
  x = cl_float(0,prec);
  y = cl_float(1,prec);
  half = cl_float(0.5,prec);
  bigF K = cl_float(k,prec);
  bigF mxT = cl_float(0,prec);
  bigF sum =  cl_float(0,prec);
  bigF w = sqrt(cl_float(3,prec))/cl_float(2,prec);
  while ( x < half) {
    y = cl_float(1,prec);
    while (y < K/cl_float(6,prec)) {
      sum =  cl_float(0,prec);
      for (int i = 0; i < D; i++) sum = sum + ff(x,y,a[i],k,M,pr)/b[i];
      if (sum > mxT) mxT = sum;
      y = y + e;
    x = x + e;
  bigF mxB = cl_float(0,prec);
  x = cl_float(0,prec);
  while ( x < half) {
    y = sqrt(cl_float(1) - x*x);
    while (y < one) {
      sum =  cl_float(0,prec);
      for (int i = 0; i < D; i++) sum = sum + ff(x,y,a[i],k,M,pr)/b[i];
      if (sum > mxB) mxB = sum;
      y = y + e;
    x = x + e;
  if (mxB > mxT) return mxB;
  return mxT;

//twice the Integral f(z) square in x direction from 0 to 1/2;
//y is variable from sqrt(3)/2 to 1

bigF v(bigF y,  bigF a[], int k, int M, int pr) {

  cln::float_format_t prec = cln::float_format(pr);
   const bigF PI = pi(prec);
bigF q = cl_float(0.0, prec);
bigF w = cl_float(0.0, prec);
 bigF one = cl_float(1, prec);
bigF two = cl_float(2, prec);
bigF three = cl_float(3, prec);
bigF four = cl_float(4, prec);
 for (int j = 1; j <= M; j++) {
  bigF J = cl_float(j,prec);
  if (four*PI*J*y < cl_float(50,prec))
  w = w + a[j]*a[j]*exp(-four*PI*J*y);
w = two*(cl_float(0.5,prec) - sqrt(one-y*y))*w;
for (int r = 3; r <= M; r++) {
  bigF R = cl_float(r,prec);
  q = cl_float(0,prec);
  for (int j = 1; 2*j < r; j++) {
    bigF J = cl_float(j,prec);
    q = q + a[j]*a[r-j]/(two*PI*(two*J - R))*
      (sin(PI*(two*J - R)) - sin(two*PI*(two*J - R)*sqrt(one-y*y)));
  //q = q + a[j]*a[r-j]*cos(2*PI*(2*j - r)*x);
  if (two*PI*R*y < cl_float(50,prec)) q = q*exp(-two*PI*R*y); else q =

  w = w + two*q;
//for (int n = 1; n < h; n++)  s = s + a[n]*exp(2*PI*I*z*n);
bigF tt =  cln::cl_float((float)(2*k-2),prec);
return exp(ln(y)*tt)*w;


bigF integralH(bigF a[], int k, int M, int n, int pr) {
 const bigF PI = "3.14159265358979323846264338327950288";
cln::float_format_t prec = cln::float_format_t(pr);
bigF q = cl_float(0.0, prec);
bigF w =  cl_float(0.0, prec);
bigF aa =  cl_float(0.0, prec);
bigF b =  cl_float(0.0, prec);
bigF d =  cl_float(0.0, prec);
bigF one =  cl_float(1, prec);
bigF two =  cl_float(2, prec);
bigF three =  cl_float(3, prec);
bigF four =  cl_float(4, prec);
bigF five =  cl_float(5, prec);
 aa = one;
//modify this later
b = cl_float(k,prec)/two;
d = (b-aa)/cl_float(n,prec);
//f(x) is the dummy function
q = h(aa,a,k,M, pr) + h(b,a,k,M, pr);
for (int j = 1; 2*j <= n-2; j++)
  w = w + h(aa + (two*cl_float(j,prec))*d,a,k,M, pr);
q =  q + two*w;
w = cl_float(0,prec);
for (int j = 1; 2*j <= n; j++)
  w = w + h(aa + (two*cl_float(j,prec)-one)*d,a,k,M, pr);
q = q + four*w;
q = q*d/three;
return q;

bigF integralL(bigF a[],int k, int M, int n, int pr) {
       cln::float_format_t prec = cln::float_format(pr);
bigF q = cl_float(0.0, prec);
bigF w =  cl_float(0.0, prec);
bigF aa =  cl_float(0.0, prec);
bigF b =  cl_float(1.0, prec);
bigF d =  cl_float(0.0, prec);
bigF one =  cl_float(1, prec);
bigF two =  cl_float(2, prec);
bigF three =  cl_float(3, prec);
bigF four =  cl_float(4, prec);
bigF five =  cl_float(5, prec);

aa = sqrt(three)/two;
b = one;
d = (b-aa)/cl_float(n,prec);
//f(x) is the dummy function
q = v(aa,a,k,M, pr) + v(b,a,k,M, pr);
for (int j = 1; 2*j <= n-2; j++)
  w = w + v(aa + two*cl_float(j,prec)*d,a,k,M, pr);
q =  q + two*w;
w = cl_float(0,prec);
for (int j = 1; 2*j <= n; j++)
  w = w + v(aa + (two*cl_float(j,prec)-one)*d,a,k,M, pr);
q = q + four*w;
q = q*d/three;
return q;

Joshua Friedman PhD
CrownEagle at gmail.com
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