/** @file archive.cpp * * Archiving of GiNaC expressions. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2022 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "archive.h" #include "registrar.h" #include "ex.h" #include "lst.h" #include "version.h" #include #include namespace GiNaC { void archive::archive_ex(const ex &e, const char *name) { // Create root node (which recursively archives the whole expression tree) // and add it to the archive archive_node_id id = add_node(archive_node(*this, e)); // Add root node ID to list of archived expressions archived_ex ae = archived_ex(atomize(name), id); exprs.emplace_back(ae); } /** Add archive_node to archive if the corresponding expression is * not already archived. * @return ID of archived node */ archive_node_id archive::add_node(const archive_node &n) { // Look if expression is known to be in some node already. if (n.has_ex()) { auto i = exprtable.find(n.get_ex()); if (i != exprtable.end()) return i->second; nodes.push_back(n); exprtable[n.get_ex()] = nodes.size() - 1; return nodes.size() - 1; } // Not found, add archive_node to nodes vector nodes.push_back(n); return nodes.size()-1; } /** Retrieve archive_node by ID. */ archive_node &archive::get_node(archive_node_id id) { if (id >= nodes.size()) throw (std::range_error("archive::get_node(): archive node ID out of range")); return nodes[id]; } ex archive::unarchive_ex(const lst &sym_lst, const char *name) const { // Find root node std::string name_string = name; archive_atom id = atomize(name_string); auto i = exprs.begin(), iend = exprs.end(); while (i != iend) { if (i->name == id) goto found; i++; } throw (std::runtime_error("expression with name '" + name_string + "' not found in archive")); found: // Recursively unarchive all nodes, starting at the root node lst sym_lst_copy = sym_lst; return nodes[i->root].unarchive(sym_lst_copy); } ex archive::unarchive_ex(const lst &sym_lst, unsigned index) const { if (index >= exprs.size()) throw (std::range_error("index of archived expression out of range")); // Recursively unarchive all nodes, starting at the root node lst sym_lst_copy = sym_lst; return nodes[exprs[index].root].unarchive(sym_lst_copy); } ex archive::unarchive_ex(const lst &sym_lst, std::string &name, unsigned index) const { if (index >= exprs.size()) throw (std::range_error("index of archived expression out of range")); // Return expression name name = unatomize(exprs[index].name); // Recursively unarchive all nodes, starting at the root node lst sym_lst_copy = sym_lst; return nodes[exprs[index].root].unarchive(sym_lst_copy); } unsigned archive::num_expressions() const { return exprs.size(); } const archive_node &archive::get_top_node(unsigned index) const { if (index >= exprs.size()) throw (std::range_error("index of archived expression out of range")); return nodes[exprs[index].root]; } /* * Archive file format * * - 4 bytes signature 'GARC' * - unsigned version number * - unsigned number of atoms * - atom strings (each zero-terminated) * - unsigned number of expressions * - unsigned name atom * - unsigned root node ID * - unsigned number of nodes * - unsigned number of properties * - unsigned containing type (PTYPE_*) in its lower 3 bits and * name atom in the upper bits * - unsigned property value * * Unsigned quantities are stored in a compressed format: * - numbers in the range 0x00..0x7f are stored verbatim (1 byte) * - numbers larger than 0x7f are stored in 7-bit packets (1 byte per * packet), starting with the LSBs; all bytes except the last one have * their upper bit set * * Examples: * 0x00 = 0x00 * .. .. * 0x7f = 0x7f * 0x80 0x01 = 0x80 * .. .. .. * 0xff 0x01 = 0xff * 0x80 0x02 = 0x100 * .. .. .. * 0xff 0x02 = 0x17f * 0x80 0x03 = 0x180 * .. .. .. * 0xff 0x7f = 0x3fff * 0x80 0x80 0x01 = 0x4000 * .. .. .. .. */ /** Write unsigned integer quantity to stream. */ static void write_unsigned(std::ostream &os, unsigned val) { while (val >= 0x80) { os.put((val & 0x7f) | 0x80); val >>= 7; } os.put(val); } /** Read unsigned integer quantity from stream. */ static unsigned read_unsigned(std::istream &is) { unsigned char b; unsigned ret = 0; unsigned shift = 0; do { char b2; is.get(b2); b = b2; ret |= (b & 0x7f) << shift; shift += 7; } while (b & 0x80); return ret; } /** Write archive_node to binary data stream. */ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const archive_node &n) { // Write properties unsigned num_props = n.props.size(); write_unsigned(os, num_props); for (unsigned i=0; i>(std::istream &is, archive_node &n) { // Read properties unsigned num_props = read_unsigned(is); n.props.resize(num_props); for (unsigned i=0; i> 3; n.props[i].value = read_unsigned(is); } return is; } /** Read archive from binary data stream. */ std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, archive &ar) { // Read header char c1, c2, c3, c4; is.get(c1); is.get(c2); is.get(c3); is.get(c4); if (c1 != 'G' || c2 != 'A' || c3 != 'R' || c4 != 'C') throw (std::runtime_error("not a GiNaC archive (signature not found)")); constexpr unsigned max_version = GINACLIB_ARCHIVE_VERSION; constexpr unsigned min_version = GINACLIB_ARCHIVE_VERSION - GINACLIB_ARCHIVE_AGE; unsigned version = read_unsigned(is); if ((version > max_version) || (version < min_version)) throw (std::runtime_error("archive version " + std::to_string(version) + " cannot be read by this GiNaC library (which supports versions " + std::to_string(min_version) + " thru " + std::to_string(max_version))); // Read atoms unsigned num_atoms = read_unsigned(is); ar.atoms.resize(num_atoms); for (unsigned i=0; i> ar.nodes[i]; return is; } /** Atomize a string (i.e. convert it into an ID number that uniquely * represents the string). */ archive_atom archive::atomize(const std::string &s) const { // Search for string in inverse_atoms map. inv_at_cit i = inverse_atoms.find(s); if (i!=inverse_atoms.end()) return i->second; // Not found, add to atoms vector archive_atom id = atoms.size(); atoms.push_back(s); inverse_atoms[s] = id; return id; } /** Unatomize a string (i.e. convert the ID number back to the string). */ const std::string &archive::unatomize(archive_atom id) const { if (id >= atoms.size()) throw (std::range_error("archive::unatomize(): atom ID out of range")); return atoms[id]; } /** Assignment operator of archive_node. */ const archive_node &archive_node::operator=(const archive_node &other) { if (this != &other) { // archive &a member doesn't get copied props = other.props; has_expression = other.has_expression; e = other.e; } return *this; } /** Recursively construct archive node from expression. */ archive_node::archive_node(archive &ar, const ex &expr) : a(ar), has_expression(true), e(expr) { expr.bp->archive(*this); } /** Check if the archive_node stores the same expression as another * archive_node. * @return "true" if expressions are the same */ bool archive_node::has_same_ex_as(const archive_node &other) const { if (!has_expression || !other.has_expression) return false; return e.bp == other.e.bp; } archive_node::archive_node_cit archive_node::find_first(const std::string &name) const { archive_atom name_atom = a.atomize(name); for (auto i=props.begin(); i!=props.end(); ++i) if (i->name == name_atom) return i; return props.end(); } archive_node::archive_node_cit archive_node::find_last(const std::string &name) const { archive_atom name_atom = a.atomize(name); for (auto i=props.end(); i!=props.begin();) { --i; if (i->name == name_atom) return i; } return props.end(); } archive_node::archive_node_cit_range archive_node::find_property_range(const std::string &name1, const std::string &name2) const { archive_atom name1_atom = a.atomize(name1), name2_atom = a.atomize(name2); archive_node_cit_range range = {props.end(), props.end()}; for (auto i=props.begin(); i!=props.end(); ++i) { if (i->name == name1_atom && range.begin == props.end()) { range.begin = i; } if (i->name == name2_atom && range.begin != props.end()) { range.end = i + 1; } } return range; } void archive_node::add_bool(const std::string &name, bool value) { props.emplace_back(property(a.atomize(name), PTYPE_BOOL, value)); } void archive_node::add_unsigned(const std::string &name, unsigned value) { props.emplace_back(property(a.atomize(name), PTYPE_UNSIGNED, value)); } void archive_node::add_string(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) { props.emplace_back(property(a.atomize(name), PTYPE_STRING, a.atomize(value))); } void archive_node::add_ex(const std::string &name, const ex &value) { // Recursively create an archive_node and add its ID to the properties of this node archive_node_id id = a.add_node(archive_node(a, value)); props.emplace_back(property(a.atomize(name), PTYPE_NODE, id)); } bool archive_node::find_bool(const std::string &name, bool &ret, unsigned index) const { archive_atom name_atom = a.atomize(name); auto i = props.begin(), iend = props.end(); unsigned found_index = 0; while (i != iend) { if (i->type == PTYPE_BOOL && i->name == name_atom) { if (found_index == index) { ret = i->value; return true; } found_index++; } i++; } return false; } bool archive_node::find_unsigned(const std::string &name, unsigned &ret, unsigned index) const { archive_atom name_atom = a.atomize(name); auto i = props.begin(), iend = props.end(); unsigned found_index = 0; while (i != iend) { if (i->type == PTYPE_UNSIGNED && i->name == name_atom) { if (found_index == index) { ret = i->value; return true; } found_index++; } i++; } return false; } bool archive_node::find_string(const std::string &name, std::string &ret, unsigned index) const { archive_atom name_atom = a.atomize(name); auto i = props.begin(), iend = props.end(); unsigned found_index = 0; while (i != iend) { if (i->type == PTYPE_STRING && i->name == name_atom) { if (found_index == index) { ret = a.unatomize(i->value); return true; } found_index++; } i++; } return false; } void archive_node::find_ex_by_loc(archive_node_cit loc, ex &ret, lst &sym_lst) const { ret = a.get_node(loc->value).unarchive(sym_lst); } bool archive_node::find_ex(const std::string &name, ex &ret, lst &sym_lst, unsigned index) const { archive_atom name_atom = a.atomize(name); auto i = props.begin(), iend = props.end(); unsigned found_index = 0; while (i != iend) { if (i->type == PTYPE_NODE && i->name == name_atom) { if (found_index == index) { ret = a.get_node(i->value).unarchive(sym_lst); return true; } found_index++; } i++; } return false; } const archive_node &archive_node::find_ex_node(const std::string &name, unsigned index) const { archive_atom name_atom = a.atomize(name); auto i = props.begin(), iend = props.end(); unsigned found_index = 0; while (i != iend) { if (i->type == PTYPE_NODE && i->name == name_atom) { if (found_index == index) return a.get_node(i->value); found_index++; } i++; } throw (std::runtime_error("property with name '" + name + "' not found in archive node")); } void archive_node::get_properties(propinfovector &v) const { v.clear(); auto i = props.begin(), iend = props.end(); while (i != iend) { property_type type = i->type; std::string name = a.unatomize(i->name); auto a = v.begin(), aend = v.end(); bool found = false; while (a != aend) { if (a->type == type && a->name == name) { a->count++; found = true; break; } ++a; } if (!found) v.emplace_back(property_info(type, name)); i++; } } static synthesize_func find_factory_fcn(const std::string& name) { static unarchive_table_t the_table; synthesize_func ret = the_table.find(name); return ret; } /** Convert archive node to GiNaC expression. */ ex archive_node::unarchive(lst &sym_lst) const { // Already unarchived? Then return cached unarchived expression. if (has_expression) return e; // Find instantiation function for class specified in node std::string class_name; if (!find_string("class", class_name)) throw (std::runtime_error("archive node contains no class name")); // Call instantiation function synthesize_func factory_fcn = find_factory_fcn(class_name); ptr obj(factory_fcn()); obj->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); obj->read_archive(*this, sym_lst); e = ex(*obj); has_expression = true; return e; } int unarchive_table_t::usecount = 0; unarchive_map_t* unarchive_table_t::unarch_map = nullptr; unarchive_table_t::unarchive_table_t() { if (usecount == 0) unarch_map = new unarchive_map_t(); ++usecount; } synthesize_func unarchive_table_t::find(const std::string& classname) const { unarchive_map_t::const_iterator i = unarch_map->find(classname); if (i != unarch_map->end()) return i->second; throw std::runtime_error(std::string("no unarchiving function for \"") + classname + "\" class"); } void unarchive_table_t::insert(const std::string& classname, synthesize_func f) { if (unarch_map->find(classname) != unarch_map->end()) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Class \"" + classname + "\" is already registered")); unarch_map->operator[](classname) = f; } unarchive_table_t::~unarchive_table_t() { if (--usecount == 0) delete unarch_map; } void archive::clear() { atoms.clear(); inverse_atoms.clear(); exprs.clear(); nodes.clear(); exprtable.clear(); } /** Delete cached unarchived expressions in all archive_nodes (mainly for debugging). */ void archive::forget() { for_each(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&archive_node::forget)); } /** Delete cached unarchived expressions from node (for debugging). */ void archive_node::forget() { has_expression = false; e = 0; } /** Print archive to stream in ugly raw format (for debugging). */ void archive::printraw(std::ostream &os) const { // Dump atoms os << "Atoms:\n"; { std::vector::const_iterator i = atoms.begin(), iend = atoms.end(); archive_atom id = 0; while (i != iend) { os << " " << id << " " << *i << std::endl; i++; id++; } } os << std::endl; // Dump expressions os << "Expressions:\n"; { auto i = exprs.begin(), iend = exprs.end(); unsigned index = 0; while (i != iend) { os << " " << index << " \"" << unatomize(i->name) << "\" root node " << i->root << std::endl; i++; index++; } } os << std::endl; // Dump nodes os << "Nodes:\n"; { auto i = nodes.begin(), iend = nodes.end(); archive_node_id id = 0; while (i != iend) { os << " " << id << " "; i->printraw(os); i++; id++; } } } /** Output archive_node to stream in ugly raw format (for debugging). */ void archive_node::printraw(std::ostream &os) const { // Dump cached unarchived expression if (has_expression) os << "(basic * " << e.bp << " = " << e << ")\n"; else os << "\n"; // Dump properties auto i = props.begin(), iend = props.end(); while (i != iend) { os << " "; switch (i->type) { case PTYPE_BOOL: os << "bool"; break; case PTYPE_UNSIGNED: os << "unsigned"; break; case PTYPE_STRING: os << "string"; break; case PTYPE_NODE: os << "node"; break; default: os << ""; break; } os << " \"" << a.unatomize(i->name) << "\" " << i->value << std::endl; i++; } } } // namespace GiNaC