// check/series_expansion.cpp /* Series expansion test (Laurent and Taylor series). */ #include static symbol x("x"); static unsigned check_series(const ex &e, const ex &point, const ex &d) { ex es = e.series(x, point, 8); ex ep = static_cast(es.bp)->convert_to_poly(); if ((ep - d).compare(exZERO()) != 0) { clog << "series expansion of " << e << " at " << point << " erroneously returned " << ep << " (instead of " << d << ")" << endl; (ep-d).printtree(clog); return 1; } return 0; } // Series expansion static unsigned series1(void) { unsigned result = 0; ex e, d; e = sin(x); d = x - pow(x, 3) / 6 + pow(x, 5) / 120 - pow(x, 7) / 5040 + Order(pow(x, 8)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d); e = cos(x); d = 1 - pow(x, 2) / 2 + pow(x, 4) / 24 - pow(x, 6) / 720 + Order(pow(x, 8)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d); e = exp(x); d = 1 + x + pow(x, 2) / 2 + pow(x, 3) / 6 + pow(x, 4) / 24 + pow(x, 5) / 120 + pow(x, 6) / 720 + pow(x, 7) / 5040 + Order(pow(x, 8)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d); e = pow(1 - x, -1); d = 1 + x + pow(x, 2) + pow(x, 3) + pow(x, 4) + pow(x, 5) + pow(x, 6) + pow(x, 7) + Order(pow(x, 8)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d); e = x + pow(x, -1); d = x + pow(x, -1); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d); e = x + pow(x, -1); d = 2 + pow(x-1, 2) - pow(x-1, 3) + pow(x-1, 4) - pow(x-1, 5) + pow(x-1, 6) - pow(x-1, 7) + Order(pow(x-1, 8)); result += check_series(e, exONE(), d); e = pow(x + pow(x, 3), -1); d = pow(x, -1) - x + pow(x, 3) - pow(x, 5) + Order(pow(x, 7)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d); e = pow(pow(x, 2) + pow(x, 4), -1); d = pow(x, -2) - 1 + pow(x, 2) - pow(x, 4) + Order(pow(x, 6)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d); e = pow(sin(x), -2); d = pow(x, -2) + numeric(1,3) + pow(x, 2) / 15 + pow(x, 4) * 2/189 + Order(pow(x, 5)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d); e = sin(x) / cos(x); d = x + pow(x, 3) / 3 + pow(x, 5) * 2/15 + pow(x, 7) * 17/315 + Order(pow(x, 8)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d); e = cos(x) / sin(x); d = pow(x, -1) - x / 3 - pow(x, 3) / 45 - pow(x, 5) * 2/945 + Order(pow(x, 6)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d); e = pow(numeric(2), x); ex t = log(ex(2)) * x; d = 1 + t + pow(t, 2) / 2 + pow(t, 3) / 6 + pow(t, 4) / 24 + pow(t, 5) / 120 + pow(t, 6) / 720 + pow(t, 7) / 5040 + Order(pow(x, 8)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d.expand()); e = pow(Pi, x); t = log(Pi) * x; d = 1 + t + pow(t, 2) / 2 + pow(t, 3) / 6 + pow(t, 4) / 24 + pow(t, 5) / 120 + pow(t, 6) / 720 + pow(t, 7) / 5040 + Order(pow(x, 8)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d.expand()); return result; } // Series addition static unsigned series2(void) { unsigned result = 0; ex e, d; e = pow(sin(x), -1).series(x, exZERO(), 8) + pow(sin(-x), -1).series(x, exZERO(), 12); d = Order(pow(x, 6)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d); return result; } // Series multiplication static unsigned series3(void) { unsigned result = 0; ex e, d; e = sin(x).series(x, exZERO(), 8) * pow(sin(x), -1).series(x, exZERO(), 12); d = 1 + Order(pow(x, 7)); result += check_series(e, exZERO(), d); return result; } unsigned series_expansion(void) { unsigned result = 0; cout << "checking series expansion..." << flush; clog << "---------series expansion:" << endl; result += series1(); result += series2(); result += series3(); if (!result) { cout << " passed "; clog << "(no output)" << endl; } else { cout << " failed "; } return result; }